
I have a main DB (KKDB.accdb) which I use as back-end storage from Excel. The VBA in Excel makes regular copies of the main DB as a form of backing up. The files are all in the same directory as the main DB and all start with KKDB eg KKDB-AlexMon.accdb, KKDB-JillTue.accdb, KKDB-BU.accdb etc.

From time to time records get accidentally deleted from the main DB (more times than they should!).

What I would like to do is loop through the other DB's in the folder, in date order, to try and find any missing records in them and restore them to the main DB.

I really don't know how to go about this, should I use VBA or Append Queries?

I am ok with VBA in Excel but have never written a line of VBA in Access! Likewise, Queries are new to me so I would have no idea how or where to start!

If someone would point me in the right direction it would be most appreciated.

Many thanks and best regards