I'm trying to have some inputboxes for a byte-sized number, and when there's an error I want to display a msgbox saying "Please Enter a Number Between 1 and 10.". Here's what I have so far:

Sub Example()

Dim CodeLength As Byte, CodeRange As Byte

On Error GoTo CodeLengthError
    CodeLength = InputBox("Enter Code Length")
    On Error GoTo CodeRangeError
    CodeRange = InputBox("Enter Code Range")
GoTo InputsOK
    MsgBox ("Please Enter a Number Between 1 and 10.")
    GoTo CodeLengthInput
    MsgBox ("Please Enter a Number Between 1 and 10.")
    GoTo CodeRangeInput

End Sub
What happens when I run the above code is that the error handling performs correctly ONLY ONCE. On the second error, I get a run-time error window. This happens for both mismatch and overflow errors.

The confusing part is that if I put in an incorrect value for the first inputbox, get the error msgbox, put in a correct value, then put an incorrect value for the second inputbox, then I still don't get a second error msgbox - the error msgbox will only appear once no matter what.

Anybody have an idea on what I'm doing wrong? How do I get error handling to work correctly every time?