I'd like to call a macro from a different project so that I can reuse code. Both macros are in different TemplateProjects in Word's startup folder. The example I see in VB Help uses square brackets and a project file :

[Project X.vba][ModuleName]MacroName()

Since I want to call one subroutine from a macro in another module, I tried the following :

Call [GeneralOptions.dot][AutoExec]AddShortcut(x, y, z)

where x,y,z are the arguments passed to the function AddShortcut in the macro AutoExec in my TemplateProject GeneralOptions.dot in the startup folder.

The above syntax doesn't work on OSX 10.2.8 and Office/Word 10.1.6. I get Sub/Function not found.

How do I call a macro in one TemplateProject from another Template Project in OSX ? Am I missing the path to the Template Project ?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
