
its says that it already exists
but its not, what do we wrong?

i copy my original sheet to a new sheet that's works and create with the name 'sheetlist (2)'
but when we wanna rename it with a new name it not allows me

Function CopyRenameSheet(NameSheet As String) As Boolean
Set _start = Nothing

CopyRenameSheet= False

On Error Resume Next
Set _start = ActiveWorkbook.WorkSheets("sheetlist (2)")
On Error GoTo 0

If _start Is Nothing Then

CopyRenameSheet= True

ActiveWorkbook.WorkSheets("sheetlist").Visible = True
ActiveWorkbook.WorkSheets("sheetlist").Copy After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("HistoryItems")
Set OldName = _start 
On Error Resume Next

For Each mysheets In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    If mysheets .Name = OldName  Then
        OldName.Name = NameSheet 
    End If
Next mysheets 

OldName.Name = NameSheet 

On Error GoTo 0

End If

End Function