Hello guys, I have been trying to resize the excel tables I copy as image to a bookmark in a word document but have not been able. The tables are copied as expected but I am trying to make it fit better to the document. Some are copied too small so we cannot see well. I tried to find a code that would make it more fit to the document but no chance. Can anyone help me out? I will paste the code below :

Sub CopyTables()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.StatusBar = "Creating files..."
 Dim wd, wd2, wd3, wd4, wd5, wd6, wd7, wd8 As Word.Application
 Dim doc As Word.Document
 Dim templ As String
 Dim srcWkBkName As String
 Dim srcWkBk As Workbook
 Dim srcRg As String
 Dim destRg As Word.Range
 Dim bmks As Variant
 Dim k As Integer
 Dim rng As Range
 Dim rngarray, rngarray_bm, rngarray2, rngarray2_bm, rngarray3, rngarray3_bm, rngarray4, rngarray4_bm, rngarray5, rngarray5_bm, rngarray6, rngarray6_bm, rngarray7, rngarray7_bm, rngarray8, rngarray8_bm As Variant
 Dim img As Shape, cht As Chart
rngarray = Array("Section_2.1.0.1", "Section_2.1.0.2" _
, "Section_2.2.0.1", "Section_2.", "Section_2.3a.0.1" _
, "Section_2.3a.0.2", "Section_2.3b.0.1", "Section_2.3b.0.2" _
, "Section_2.4a.0.1", "Section_2.4a.0.2", "Section_2.4a.0.3" _
, "Section_2.4a.0.4", "Section_2.4a.0.5", "Section_2.4a.0.6" _
, "Section_2.4b.0.1")

rngarray_bm = Array("bm1", "bm2", "bm3", "bm4", "bm5", "bm6", "bm7", "bm8", "bm9", "bm10", "bm11", "bm12", "bm13", "bm14", "bm15")

Set wd = CreateObject("Word.Application")
 wd.Visible = True
 templ = "C:\AA Report - Section 2 - templ.doc"
 Set doc = wd.Documents.Add(Template:=templ)

 Set srcWkBk = ThisWorkbook
    'For k = 0 To UBound(rngarray)
For k = 0 To CInt(UBound(rngarray))
    srcWkBk.Sheets("Section 2").Range(rngarray(k)).CopyPicture
    Set destRg = doc.bookmarks(rngarray_bm(k)).Range
    'destRg.InlineShapes(1).ScaleHeight = 100
    'destRg.InlineShapes(1).ScaleWidth = 70
    'Selection.Width = 500
    'Selection.Height = 500

doc.SaveAs Filename:="C:\AA Report - Section 2.doc"
wd.Visible = False

End sub
The scale parameters which are commented do not work well because they just push the image further to the right and it goes farther than the margins. Any help please?