Hi, I am having trouble with the setfocus command and I have done a bit of searching but my knowledge of vba is very little.

I would like a number value to be entered in TextboxControl and on typing a value if the data is not in the correct format a message will appear with an OK Button. When OK is selected I would like the wrong data to be cleared and the cursor back in the TextboxControl.

The code below is working fine except the SetFocus doesn't appear in the activate control.

Here is the code in Module mode:
Sub OnlyNumbers()

    If TypeName(ExpensesForm.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then

        With ExpensesForm.ActiveControl
            If Not IsNumeric(.Value) And .Value <> vbNullString Then
                ExpensesForm.ActiveControl.BackColor = &HC0C0FF 'read

                MsgBox "Sorry, only numbers allowed"

                .Value = vbNullString
                ExpensesForm.ActiveControl.BackColor = &HFFFFFF
            End If
        End With

    End If

End Sub
Here is the code in Userform mode:
Private Sub UnitCost_Change()
Call OnlyNumbers
End Sub
Thanks in advance.