Version of the program: Word 2016
What you want it to do: I have a document which has quite a lot of bookmarks in it (both hidden and not), it seems like the user has removed its TOC but now also wants to remove the remaining "TOC and HIK" hidden bookmarks within the document. I have managed to find a macro which deletes any TOC and HIK bookmarks which are not hidden but for the life of me cannot figure out how to tell the macro to look for and delete the hidden bookmarks mentioned.
This is what I have been using which does delete non hidden bookmarks:

Dim aBookmark
For Each aBookmark In ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
If Left(aBookmark.Name, 3) = "TOC" Then
ElseIf Left(aBookmark.Name, 3) = "HIK" Then
End If
End Sub

Error messages if any: None

Please note, this is my first time actually working with macros at all so please excuse my ignorance.

