HELLO. I have a word doc that has sentences with references. It looks like this:

Se1c1 The boy went
Se1c2 to school.
Se1c3 Then he saw a rabbit.
Se2c1 he ran after it
Se2c2 but he couldn’t catch it

-The reference Se1c3 stands for: section Se, chapter 1, sentence 3

The target is to copy to clipboard several sentences that has this structure:

Se1c1-3 The boy went to school. Then he saw a rabbit.

THE QUESTION IS: Can someone suggest a vba code that when it runs, it copies to clipboard the sentences that i have selected, But with the target structure? (only to copy, not to replace)


-I use word 2016
-I will only select consecutive sentences before running the macro.
-In the word document, every sentence is written as a paragraph.
-In the reference (Se1c1), the Section Letters (Se) may be formed from 2 or 3 letters like: Neg1c1 (3 letters)