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Thread: Issue creating pivot table from table data

  1. #1

    Question Issue creating pivot table from table data

    Hi guys,

    I almost have this piece of code working exactly as I want it to. My only issue is that I want the pivot table to be created on an existing worksheet called "Client Distribution" instead of the macro creating a new worksheet to put the pivot table in. Does anyone know how I can fix this? When I try to change the destination worksheet (you can see it commented out in the code) it gives me an error on the very last line of code. I would really appreciate any help!

    Sub Table_Insert()    
    Dim LastColumn As Integer
    Dim LastRow As Integer
    Dim FitRange As Range
        LastColumn = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Range.Columns.Count
        LastRow = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Range.Rows.Count
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "CLIENT NAME"
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
        ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=TRIM(UPPER(SUBSTITUTE(R[0]C[-13],""."","""")))"
        Set FitRange = Selection
        'Worksheets("Commissions Data").Range(FitRange).Columns.AutoFit
        'declare variables to hold row and column numbers that define source data cell range
        Dim myFirstRow As Long
        Dim myLastRow As Long
        Dim myFirstColumn As Long
        Dim myLastColumn As Long
        'declare variables to hold source and destination cell range address
        Dim mySourceData As String
        Dim myDestinationRange As String
        'declare object variables to hold references to source and destination worksheets, and new Pivot Table
        Dim mySourceWorksheet As Worksheet
        Dim myDestinationWorksheet As Worksheet
        Dim myPivotTable As PivotTable
        'identify source and destination worksheets. Add destination worksheet
        With ThisWorkbook
            Set mySourceWorksheet = .Worksheets("Commissions Data")
            'Set myDestinationWorksheet = .Worksheets("Client Distribution")
            Set myDestinationWorksheet = .Worksheets.Add
        End With
        'obtain address of destination cell range
        myDestinationRange = myDestinationWorksheet.Range("A1").Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
        'identify row and column numbers that define source data cell range
        myFirstRow = 1
        myLastRow = LastRow
        myFirstColumn = 1
        myLastColumn = LastColumn
        'obtain address of source data cell range
        With mySourceWorksheet.Cells
            mySourceData = .Range(.Cells(myFirstRow, myFirstColumn), .Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn)).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
        End With
        'create Pivot Table cache and create Pivot Table report based on that cache
        Set myPivotTable = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=mySourceWorksheet.Name & "!" & mySourceData).CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=myDestinationWorksheet.Name & "!" & myDestinationRange, TableName:="PivotTableNewSheet")
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Hi Guys,

    I was able to get some help on Reddit. Turns out the issue was that my worksheet name had spaces in it which was causing problems. I needed to put a single quotation around the worksheet name to make it work. I change the last line of code out for this.

    Set myPivotTable = ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=mySourceWorksheet.Name & "!" & mySourceData).CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:="'" & myDestinationWorksheet.Name & "'!" & myDestinationRange, TableName:="PivotTableNewSheet")

  3. #3
    To create a pivot table, you need a heading value for each column. Tip: If you create an Excel Table from your data, column headings are automatically added to columns with blank heading cells, and you can avoid this error.

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