I have a continuous form with an image box in each row. Theimages are saved at 400 X 400px BUT sometimes they are a little different dueto its original size so it might be like 300 X 400px or similar. Anyways, Iwould like to click on my image box (imgJobStep) and the image would eitheropen another form OR enlarge the image box I clicked on to a proportional size.I found the code below but not sure how to use it, will it work?

I would rather have the image box (imgJobStep) enlarge tothe left when clicked on and go back to normal when enlarged when clicked onagain if possible.

  Dim newHeight As Integer, newWidth
   Dim curHeight As Property, curWidth As Property
   Dim Ratio As Single, Multiplier As Single
   Set curWidth = Me!FrameName.Properties("Width")
   Set curHeight = Me!FrameName.Properties("Height")
   Ratio = curWidth / curHeight 'Proportionality Factor
   Multiplier = 1.05
   newWidth = curWidth * Multiplier
   newHeight = newWidth / Ratio 'Maintain Porportionality
   If newHeight < 31680 And newWidth < 31680 Then
      curWidth = newWidth
      curHeight = newHeight
   End If
   Set curWidth = Nothing
   Set curHeight = Nothing