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Thread: Decipher Macro

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    May 2020

    Decipher Macro

    Hi there, I am currently stuck with some calculation project. And I have gotten an excel sheet which can helps but I never decode a Macro before. Is there anyone that can help me decode it and let me know what is the formula for the calculation?

    Sub Button2_Click()
    Dim speedstr As String
    Dim DesSpeed As Single
    DesSpeed = Sheet2.Cells(47, 5)
    speedstr = InputBox("Please enter the vessel speeds in m/s separated by commas")
    If speedstr = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter at least one value": Exit Sub
    Dim arr
    arr = Split(speedstr, ",")
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim count As Integer
    count = 0
    If UBound(arr) > 20 Then MsgBox "Maximum 20 values allowed": Exit Sub
    For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
        'MsgBox "Speed No. " & i + 1 & " = " & arr(i)
        Dim currspeed As Single
        If arr(i) = "" Then Exit Sub
        If i > 0 Then
        If Val(arr(i)) < Val(arr(i - 1)) Then
        MsgBox "Please input the values in ascending order"
        Exit Sub
        End If
        End If
        currspeed = arr(i)
        If Val(arr(i)) = 0 Then MsgBox "Please input a non-zero value for speed": Exit Sub
        Dim range As Excel.range
        Dim resistance As Double
        'range.Cells(2, i).Value = arr(i)
        If i > 0 Then
        If DesSpeed < Val(arr(i)) And DesSpeed > Val(arr(i - 1)) Then
                Sheets("Inputs - Vessel").Cells(47, 5).Value = DesSpeed
                Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 2).Value = DesSpeed
                resistance = Sheets("Final Forces").Cells(24, 4).Value
                Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 3).Value = Format(resistance, "#0.00")
                Sheet12.range(Sheet12.Cells(4 + count, 2), Sheet12.Cells(4 + count, 4)).Interior.Color = vbBlue
                count = count + 1
        End If
        End If
        Sheets("Inputs - Vessel").Cells(47, 5).Value = arr(i)
        resistance = Sheets("Final Forces").Cells(24, 4).Value
        Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 2).Value = arr(i)
        Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 3).Value = Format(resistance, "#0.00")
        count = count + 1
    Next i
    '''''''''Displaying the resistance at design speed
    Sheets("Inputs - Vessel").Cells(47, 5).Value = DesSpeed
    End Sub
    Last edited by Paul_Hossler; 05-20-2020 at 07:21 AM. Reason: Added CODE tags

  2. #2
    VBAX Sage
    Apr 2007
    United States
    There's a number of sheets referenced in the macro that I have no idea

    It's easier to trace a macro if it's indented and structured a little differently

    See if you can trace this since you have a better idea of what it's supposed to do

    Option Explicit
    Sub Button2_Click()
        Dim speedstr As String
        Dim DesSpeed As Single
        Dim arr As Variant
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim currspeed As Single
        Dim range As range
        Dim resistance As Double
        DesSpeed = Sheet2.Cells(47, 5)
        speedstr = InputBox("Please enter the vessel speeds in m/s separated by commas")
        If speedstr = "" Then
            MsgBox "Please enter at least one value"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        arr = Split(speedstr, ",")
        count = 0
        If UBound(arr) > 20 Then
            MsgBox "Maximum 20 values allowed"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
            'MsgBox "Speed No. " & i + 1 & " = " & arr(i)
            If arr(i) = "" Then Exit Sub
            If i > 0 Then
                If Val(arr(i)) < Val(arr(i - 1)) Then
                    MsgBox "Please input the values in ascending order"
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If
            currspeed = arr(i)
            If Val(arr(i)) = 0 Then
                MsgBox "Please input a non-zero value for speed"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            'range.Cells(2, i).Value = arr(i)
            If i > 0 Then
                If DesSpeed < Val(arr(i)) And DesSpeed > Val(arr(i - 1)) Then
                    Sheets("Inputs - Vessel").Cells(47, 5).Value = DesSpeed
                    Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 2).Value = DesSpeed
                    resistance = Sheets("Final Forces").Cells(24, 4).Value
                    Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 3).Value = Format(resistance, "#0.00")
                    Sheet12.range(Sheet12.Cells(4 + count, 2), Sheet12.Cells(4 + count, 4)).Interior.Color = vbBlue
                    count = count + 1
                End If
            End If
            Sheets("Inputs - Vessel").Cells(47, 5).Value = arr(i)
            resistance = Sheets("Final Forces").Cells(24, 4).Value
            Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 2).Value = arr(i)
            Sheets("Graph").Cells(4 + count, 3).Value = Format(resistance, "#0.00")
            count = count + 1
        Next i
        '''''''''Displaying the resistance at design speed
        Sheets("Inputs - Vessel").Cells(47, 5).Value = DesSpeed
    End Sub


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