I have been trying to get the best VBA code for this as regards speed and accuracy. 5000 links to check and change address

I have tried exposing the code of Hyperlinks by selecting all and keypress Shift+F9. Seemed to work and then I noticed partial replacement of urls.

So next try was

Dim doc        As Document
Dim link, i

'Loop through all open documents.
For Each doc In Application.Documents
    'Loop through all hyperlinks.
    doc.Hyperlinks(i).Address = Replace(doc.Hyperlinks(i).Address, "Gentiles", "Gentile")
    'Other links would be here.
This seems a slow way of replacing... Plus there did not seem to be any wildcards that would work, so if there was a subsequent find and replace for example on the word "Gent" to replace with "Gentleman", "Gentile" would be changed to "Gentlemantile"

If there is a quicker more robust way of replacing part of the url please help.
p.s the address is custom like this "tw://[self]?Gentiles" if that makes any difference.