Hi guys & gals
I have mail merged a letter that I need to send to employees, but now want the file to save each letter to individual files. To do this it would appear that I need to use a macro, and I am having trouble with a macro I have found that should split the letters into individual files.

The trouble I am having is the following string:

' Get the 1st paragraph
Set Rng = .Range.Paragraphs(1).Range
With Rng
' Contract the range to exclude the final paragraph break
.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
StrTxt = .Text
For k = 1 To Len(StrNoChr)
StrTxt = Replace(StrTxt, Mid(StrNoChr, k, 1), "_")
End With
' Construct the destination file path & name
StrTxt = ActiveDocument.Path & "" & StrTxt
' Get the whole Section
Set Rng = .Range
With Rng
If j > 1 Then .MoveEnd wdSection, j - 1
'Contract the range to exclude the Section break
.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
' Copy the range
.Copy ""Surname"" ""Initial""
End With

The piece I am having trouble with is shown in red above. Is my problem to do with the first line; Get the 1st paragraph

Any help you can provide would really be appreciated.

Many thanks