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Thread: VBA - is it possible to have a series of trigger events that start after previous

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    VBA - is it possible to have a series of trigger events that start after previous

    Hi - I have a slide that consists of groups of two rectangles connected by a line. What I want to do is click on the left hand side rectangle and animate both the two rectangles and line by using an animation timeline with a trigger event attached to the left hand side rectangle.

    At the moment I can do this, but only if I use the setting "trigger on click". This means there has to be three clicks on the same shape for all 3 shapes to do my desired animation!

    Is it possible to code the timeline so that my second and third shapes will automatically start animating after the first event? PowerPoint does have msoAnimTriggerAfterPrevious - however, it is not letting me use this!

    I attach code that will automatically generate the affect described above.

    Thank you!

    Sub test()
    Dim MyDocument As Slide
    Dim MyShape As Shape
    Dim MyShape2 As Shape
    Dim oLine As Shape
    Dim stringName As String
    Dim lineName As String
    Dim intTableRows As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim oeff As Effect
    Dim beff As AnimationBehavior
    Set MyDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
    'I note there are 3 connected shapes (1) a rectangle named "Keyword1"  (2) a connecting line named "Line1" and (3) a second rectangle "Definition1"
    Set MyShape = MyDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 100, 200, 300, 200)
    MyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    MyShape.Name = "Keyword1"
    Set MyShape = MyDocument.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 500, 200, 300, 200)
    MyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
    MyShape.Name = "Definition1"
    Set oLine = MyDocument.Shapes.AddLine(400, 300, 500, 300)
    With oLine
        .Line.Weight = 1
        .Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .Name = "Line1"
    End With
    'This adds the first shape to the timeline. The animation changes the fill colour of the rectangle Keyword1
        stringName = "Keyword1"
        Set MyShape = MyDocument.Shapes(stringName)
        Set oeff = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).TimeLine. _
          InteractiveSequences.Add().AddEffect(Shape:=MyShape, _
          effectId:=msoAnimEffectChangeFillColor, trigger:=msoAnimTriggerOnShapeClick)
        Set beff = oeff.Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeSet)
        With beff.SetEffect
            .Property = msoAnimShapeFillColor
            .To = RGB(Red:=0, Green:=255, Blue:=0)
        End With
        With oeff.Timing
            .Duration = 1
            .TriggerShape = MyShape
        End With
        'This is the code for the second animation which is for a line to do a wipe entrance from the left.
        stringName = "Line1"
        Set MyShape2 = MyDocument.Shapes(stringName)
        Set oeff = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).TimeLine. _
          InteractiveSequences.Add().AddEffect(Shape:=MyShape2, _
          effectId:=msoAnimEffectWipe, trigger:=msoAnimTriggerOnShapeClick)
        'I note I have not been able to change the msoAnimTriggerOnShapeClick setting
        With oeff
            .EffectParameters.Direction = msoAnimDirectionLeft
        End With
        With oeff.Timing
            .Duration = 0.5
            .TriggerShape = MyShape 'Note MyShape is different to MyShape2
        End With
        'This is the code for the third animation which is for the rectangle Definition1 to change colour
        stringName = "Definition1"
        Set MyShape2 = MyDocument.Shapes(stringName)
        Set oeff = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).TimeLine. _
          InteractiveSequences.Add().AddEffect(Shape:=MyShape2, _
          effectId:=msoAnimEffectChangeFillColor, trigger:=msoAnimTriggerOnShapeClick)
        'I note I have not been able to change the msoAnimTriggerOnShapeClick setting
        Set beff = oeff.Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeSet)
        With beff.SetEffect
            .Property = msoAnimShapeFillColor
            .To = RGB(Red:=0, Green:=255, Blue:=0)
        End With
        With oeff.Timing
            .Duration = 1
            .TriggerShape = MyShape
        End With
    'End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by ajarmstron; 07-24-2020 at 01:32 PM.

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