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Thread: Create a new folder based on cell and copy list of file into created folder

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2020

    Create a new folder based on cell and copy list of file into created folder

    I am new in the VBA excel. I would like to ask to everyone.
    I have a list of document with .pdf extension (in column A1:A20). I want to copy all documents from source folder (in my disk C:\\) to destination folder (in disk D:\\). The destination folder is a new folder that named by cell value (B1 on other sheet).
    'This code for copy files from the document list
     Sub copyfiles()
     Const sourcePath As String = "C:\Users"  'source folder
     Const DestPath As String = "D:\Users" 'how to change it with new folder that named is from cell B1 'destination folder
     Const ListAddress As String = "A1:A20"  'document list
    ' Write file list to array.
     Dim FileList As Variant: FileList = Sheet4.Range(ListAddress).Value
    ' 'Get' first file name.
     Dim FName As String: FName = Dir(sourcePath)
    ' 'Initiate' counter.
    Dim i As Long
    ' Loop files in SourcePath.
    Do While FName <> ""
    ' Check if file name of current file is contained in array (FileList).
    If Not IsError(Application.Match(FName, FileList, 0)) Then
        ' Count file.
        i = i + 1
        ' Copy file.
        FileCopy sourcePath & FName, DestPath & FName
    End If
    ' 'Get' next file name.
    FName = Dir()
    ' Inform user.
    Select Case i
    Case 0: MsgBox "No files found", vbExclamation, "No Files"
    Case 1: MsgBox "Copied 1 file.", vbInformation, "Success"
    Case Else: MsgBox "Copied " & i & " files.", vbInformation, "Success"
    End Select
    End Sub

    I try to make new folder based on cell value with this code, but I have no idea how to connect it with destination folder.

    Dim startPath As String
    Dim myName As String
    startPath = "H:\Users"
    myName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Cover Page").Range("B1").Text      
    If myName = vbNullString Then myName = "Nuovo"
    Dim folderPathWithName As String
    folderPathWithName = startPath & Application.PathSeparator & myName
    If Dir(folderPathWithName, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
    MkDir folderPathWithName
    MsgBox "Folder already exists"
    Exit Sub

    Is there anyone here can help me with the code to connect it? Thanks in advance for every help.

  2. #2
    VBAX Newbie
    Aug 2020
    if you have same problem with me, I already solved this problem. You can read in this link

    Have a good day

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