In one of the Office Answer forums, I addressed a question about replacing text with a symbol. It seems that in some case you must also change the font name of the text found. I used a User Defined Type in the following code. Just wondering if anyone else has a better idea or method:

Option Explicit
Private Type CCFN
  'User defined type for getting symbol character number and font name.
  ChrCode As Long
  FontName As String
End Type

Sub FRWordWithSymbols()
'Finds/replaces words defined in a table column 1 (headed Text) with symbols defined in column 2 (headed Symbol)
Dim oTbl As Table
Dim oRng As Range
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim SymData As CCFN
  Set oTbl = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
  For lngIndex = 2 To oTbl.Rows.Count
    Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
    'Move range passed the table.
    oRng.Start = oTbl.Range.End
    With oRng.Find
      'Get the defined word/phrase and strip off end of cell mark.
      .Text = Left(oTbl.Rows(lngIndex).Cells(1).Range, Len(oTbl.Rows(lngIndex).Cells(1).Range) - 2)
      'Get the symbol data (character number and font name)
      SymData = fcnCCFN(oTbl.Rows(lngIndex).Cells(2).Range.Characters(1))
      While .Execute
        'If found, replace found text with character code of the symbol and apply font name.
        oRng.Text = Chr(SymData.ChrCode)
        oRng.Font.Name = SymData.FontName
        oRng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
    End With
  Next lngIndex
  Exit Sub
End Sub

Function fcnCCFN(oRng As Range) As CCFN
  fcnCCFN.FontName = oRng.Font.Name
  oRng.Font.Name = "Normal"
  fcnCCFN.ChrCode = AscW(oRng.Text)
  oRng.Font.Name = fcnCCFN.FontName
  Exit Function
End Function