I have a function in an access form that checks if various office apps are already running:

Function IsAppRunning(appName As OfficeAppName) As Boolean

On Error GoTo NotRunning

Dim officeApp As Object
Dim appString As String

' assume true
IsAppRunning = True

' determine which app is being checked
Select Case appName
    Case 1 ' Outlook
        appString = "Outlook"
    Case 2 ' PowerPoint
        appString = "PowerPoint"
    Case 3 ' Excel
        appString = "Excel"
    Case 4 ' Word
        appString = "Word"
    Case 5 ' Publisher
        appString = "Publisher"
    Case 6 ' Access
        appString = "Access"
End Select

' try to hook into existing object
Set officeApp = GetObject(, appString & ".Application")

  Exit Function

  IsAppRunning = False
  Resume ExitProc

End Function
Recently it is causing my form to freeze on some occasions. It works for a while and then starts acting up. I have to use task manager to quit access. Restart PC and it all good for a while until it freezes again. I have been using this code for a few years without issue.

Does anyone know what could be going wrong?