I found and example for a yes no confirmation, needs a cancel button as well.
But my question is how do I get this working with the wildcard search I have. The back references don't appear to work even though this is a wildcard=true.
Any help will be of great value.
Yes I have tried searching this forum and no I have not posted this on any other forum and no I am not lazy, I just need some help.

Private Sub PromptForReplace()

Dim myRange    As Range

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
myRange.Find.MatchWildcards = True

Dim cached     As Long
cached = myRange.End
Do While myRange.Find.Execute("([a-z])^13([A-Za-z])")
    If MsgBox("Replace " & myRange.Find.text & "?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
        myRange.text = "\1 \2"
    End If
    myRange.start = myRange.start + Len(myRange.Find.text)
    myRange.End = cached

End Sub