Hi all,
I have 4 dependent drop down boxes in MS Word, once I've made my selections and got the result in drop down box# 4, I want to reset all the boxes (by selecting "New Clauses" in the first box). Question is how do I do this?
Below are the 4 modules.
Thank you

Module 1
Sub Populatedd6ABC()
Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("dd12AB").Result
Case "New Clauses"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("dd6ABC").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "New Clauses "
End With
Case "A=No, B=No"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("dd6ABC").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "A=Yes, B=No, C=No"
End With
End Select
End Sub

Module 2:
Sub Populatedd11ADEB()
Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("dd6ABC").Result
Case "A=Yes, B=No, C=No"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("dd11ADEB").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "A=YES, D=YES, E=YES, B=NO"
.Add "A=YES, D=NO, E=YES"
.Add "A=YES, D=NO, E=NO"
End With
End Select
End Sub

Module 3:
Sub PopulateddSummaryChart()
Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("dd11ADEB").Result
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "(E=YES)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= YES"
.Add "(E=YES)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= No"
End With
Case "A=YES, D=YES, E=NO, B=YES"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "(E=NO)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= YES"
.Add "(E=NO)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= No"
End With
Case "A=YES, D=YES, E=NO, B=NO"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "(E=NO, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Protected"
.Add "(E=NO, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Classified"
End With
Case "A=YES, D=YES, E=YES, B=NO"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "(E=YES, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Protected"
.Add "(E=YES, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Classified"
End With
Case "A=YES, D=NO, E=YES"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "(E=YES)Highest DSC Level= Protected"
.Add "(E=YES)Highest DSC Level= Classified"
End With
Case "A=YES, D=NO, E=NO"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "(E=NO)Highest DSC Level= Protected"
.Add "(E=NO)Highest DSC Level= Classified"
End With
End Select
End Sub

Module 4:
Sub PopulateddSeeNote()
Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSummaryChart").Result
Case "(E=YES)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= YES"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=YES & 11C=Yes - see note: 1"
.Add "11B=YES & 11C=NO - see note: 3"
End With
Case "(E=NO)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= YES"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=YES & 11C=Yes - see note: 8"
.Add "11B=YES & 11C=NO - see note: 9"
End With
Case "(E=YES)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= No"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=YES - ERROR SEE NOTE: 2"
End With
Case "(E=NO)Highest DSC level equal to or higher than COMSEC= No"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11E=NO & 11B=YES - ERROR SEE NOTE: 10"
End With
Case "(E=NO, B=YES)Highest DSC Level= Protected"""
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=Yes - see note: 4"
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=NO - see note: 5"
End With
Case "(E=NO, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Protected"""
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=Yes - see note: 11"
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=NO - see note: 12"
End With
Case "(E=YES, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Classified"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=Yes - see note: 6"
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=NO - see note: 7"
End With
Case "(E=NO, B=NO)Highest DSC Level= Classified"
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("ddSeeNote").DropDown.ListEntries
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=Yes - see note: 13"
.Add "11B=NO & 11C=NO - see note: 14"
End With
End Select
End Sub