Dear VBA Express,

This is my first time here so apologies if I forgot something to mention.

I have 2 macro’s which are doing the following:

1st macro – Save Word document on open and define a name:

  1. When opening the Word template it asks by message box to fill in the file name and save it to a defined location

2nd macro – Create PDF:

  1. When finishing the Word document I convert it to PDF and it saves in the same location as the Word version
  2. When changing this Word document and convert it again to PDF, it asks me if I want to overwrite the existing PDF yes or no, when I click on no, I am able to change the document name to a revised version.

Now my 2 question:

  1. When creating the PDF, I do not only want to save the PDF but also want automatically open the PDF after it has been created to view it.
  2. The second one is an error I get, when creating a PDF from the same document and changing the name to a revised version I get an error message (Option 2 from the 2nd macro): compile error expected function or variable vba - Fault in ActiveDocument.SaveAs2

Sub Word_ExportPDF()
'PURPOSE: Generate A PDF Document From Current Word Document
'NOTES: PDF Will Be Saved To Same Folder As Word Document File

Dim CurrentFolder As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim UniqueName As Boolean

UniqueName = False

'Store Information About Word File
  myPath = ActiveDocument.FullName
  CurrentFolder = ActiveDocument.Path & "\"
  FileName = Mid(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\") + 1, _
   InStrRev(myPath, ".") - InStrRev(myPath, "\") - 1)

'Does File Already Exist?
  Do While UniqueName = False
    DirFile = CurrentFolder & FileName & ".pdf"
    If Len(Dir(DirFile)) <> 0 Then
      UserAnswer = MsgBox("Deze bestandsnaam bestaat al! Klik " & _
       "[Ja] om te overschrijven. Klik [Nee] om te hernoemen.", vbYesNoCancel)
      If UserAnswer = vbYes Then
        UniqueName = True
      ElseIf UserAnswer = vbNo Then
          'Retrieve New File Name
            FileName = InputBox("Geef een nieuwe bestandsnaam " & _
             "(zal opnieuw worden gevraagd wanneer u een ongeldige bestandsnaam opgeeft)", _
             "Voer de bestandsnaam in", FileName)
          'Exit if User Wants To
            If FileName = "False" Or FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
        Loop While ValidFileName(FileName) = False
        Exit Sub 'Cancel
      End If
      UniqueName = True
    End If
'Save As PDF Document
  On Error GoTo ProblemSaving
    ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat _
     OutputFileName:=CurrentFolder & FileName & ".pdf", _
  On Error GoTo 0

'Confirm Save To User
  With ActiveDocument
    FolderName = Mid(.Path, InStrRev(.Path, "\") + 1, Len(.Path) - InStrRev(.Path, "\"))
  End With
  MsgBox "PDF opgeslagen in de map: " & FolderName

Exit Sub

'Error Handlers
  MsgBox "Er was een probleem met het opslaan van uw PDF. Dit wordt meestal veroorzaakt" & _
   " door het originele PDF-bestand dat al open is."
  Exit Sub

End Sub
Function ValidFileName(FileName As String) As Boolean
'PURPOSE: Determine If A Given Word Document File Name Is Valid

Dim TempPath As String
Dim doc As Document

'Determine Folder Where Temporary Files Are Stored
  TempPath = Environ("TEMP")

'Create a Temporary XLS file (XLS in case there are macros)
  On Error GoTo InvalidFileName
    Set doc = ActiveDocument.SaveAs2(ActiveDocument.TempPath & _
     "\" & FileName & ".doc", wdFormatDocument)
  On Error Resume Next

'Delete Temp File
  Kill doc.FullName

'File Name is Valid
  ValidFileName = True

Exit Function

'File Name is Invalid
  ValidFileName = False

End Function
Sub AutoNew()
ActiveDocument.SaveAs2 "C:\Users\Offerte proces\Solution offertes\Offertes\" & InputBox("Geef de correcte bestandsnaam op volgens het volgende formaat, OFNXXXXXXX_COMPANY_NAME", "File SaveAs")

End Sub
Thank you very much in advance!

Kind Regards,
