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Thread: Vertically Center Selected Range in the Useable ActiveWindow

  1. #1
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005

    Vertically Center Selected Range in the Useable ActiveWindow

    There is another thread in this forum where the discussion has turned to vertically centering a selected range in the active window. The code presented is shown below:

    Sub SelectionScrollIntoMiddleOfView()'   Dim pLeft As Long
      Dim pTop As Long, lTop As Long, wTop As Long
      Dim pWidth As Long
      Dim pHeight As Long, wHeight As Long
      Dim Direction As Integer
      wHeight = PixelsToPoints(ActiveWindow.Height, True)
      ActiveWindow.GetPoint pLeft, wTop, pWidth, pHeight, ActiveWindow
      ActiveWindow.GetPoint pLeft, pTop, pWidth, pHeight, selection.Range
      Direction = Sgn((pTop + pHeight / 2) - (wTop + wHeight / 2))
      Do While Sgn((pTop + pHeight / 2) - (wTop + wHeight / 2)) = Direction And (lTop <> pTop)
        ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Direction, down
        On Error Resume Next
        lTop = pTop
        ActiveWindow.GetPoint pLeft, pTop, pWidth, pHeight, selection.Range
    End Sub
    My experience here is that code simply doesn't work. First, it doesn't compile because of the "Direction, down" in the ActiveWindow.Smallscroll line. Remove ", down" from that line and it will compile but when run with the condition shown in image "1" nothing happens.

    Macropod suggested two simple lines of code:

    ActiveWindow.LargeScroll Down:=1
    ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView Selection.Range

    However, when that is run on the condition one text the result is as shown in image "Paul Simple Method" (note the selected text
    is at the top of the window (not centered in the window)

    The goal is for the text to appear more like the text in image "Goal"

    1.jpgImage 1
    Paul simple method.jpgPaul Simple Method (result after running)

    Iv'e been struggling with deducing the center of the selection as compared to the center of the useable
    window and moving the selection up or down as appropriate. The following gets close with the examples shown but if the selection is just a single line
    of text then it ends up being a little above or below center:

    Sub SelectionScrollIntoMiddleOfView()
    Dim lngLeft As Long, lngTop As Long, lngWidth As Long, lngHeight As Long, lngComp As Long
    Dim lngWinTop As Long, lngWinHgt As Long, lngWinUseableHgt As Long
    Dim lngScroll As Integer
    Dim lngCenter As Long, lngWinCenter As Long
    Dim lngCounter As Long
      lngWinHgt = PixelsToPoints(ActiveWindow.Height, True)
      lngWinUseableHgt = PixelsToPoints(ActiveWindow.UsableHeight, True)
      lngComp = lngWinHgt - lngWinUseableHgt
      lngWinTop = PixelsToPoints(ActiveWindow.Top, True)
      lngWinCenter = (lngWinTop + lngWinHgt) / 2
      ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView Selection.Range
      ActiveWindow.GetPoint lngLeft, lngTop, lngWidth, lngHeight, Selection.Range
      lngCenter = ((lngTop - lngComp) + lngHeight) / 2
      lngScroll = Sgn(lngCenter - lngWinCenter)
        ActiveWindow.SmallScroll lngScroll
        lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
        ActiveWindow.GetPoint lngLeft, lngTop, lngWidth, lngHeight, Selection.Range
        lngCenter = ((lngTop - lngComp) + lngHeight) / 2
        If lngScroll > 0 Then
          If lngCenter > lngWinCenter Then
            If lngCenter - lngWinCenter < 10 Then Exit Do
            If lngWinCenter - lngCenter < 10 Then Exit Do
          End If
          If lngCenter > lngWinCenter Then
            If lngCenter - lngWinCenter > 10 Then Exit Do
            If lngWinCenter - lngCenter < 10 Then Exit Do
          End If
        End If
        If lngCounter > 20 Then Exit Do
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Interested if anyone has ideas to improve this process. Paul, I understand the concerns you raised about centering and message boxes.
    This is not related to displaying a message box. Just a process of trying to do something that should be able to be done ;-)

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  2. #2
    Microsoft Word MVP 2003-2009 VBAX Guru gmaxey's Avatar
    Sep 2005
    Also posted at:

    A plethora of interest here LOL. Well I've made some progress and simplified things a little:

    Sub SelectionScrollIntoMiddleOfView()
    Dim lngLeft As Long, lngTop As Long, lngWidth As Long, lngHeight As Long
    Dim lngWinTop As Long, lngWinUseableHgt As Long
    Dim lngScroll As Integer
    Dim lngCenter As Long, lngWinCenter As Long
    Dim lngCenAdj As Long, lngIndex As Long '***
      lngWinUseableHgt = ActiveWindow.UsableHeight
      lngWinTop = ActiveWindow.Top
      lngWinCenter = (lngWinTop + lngWinUseableHgt + 1) / 2
      ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView Selection.Range
      ActiveWindow.GetPoint lngLeft, lngTop, lngWidth, lngHeight, Selection.Range
      lngCenter = (lngTop + lngHeight) / 2
      lngScroll = Sgn(lngCenter - lngWinCenter)
      lngCenAdj = ((lngHeight / 28) - 1) / 2 '*** On my screen, a slection of one line returns 28
      Do Until Abs(lngCenter - lngWinCenter) < 10
        ActiveWindow.SmallScroll lngScroll
        ActiveWindow.GetPoint lngLeft, lngTop, lngWidth, lngHeight, Selection.Range
        lngCenter = (lngTop + lngHeight) / 2
      '*** Adjust center based on height of selection
      If lngCenAdj > 0 Then
        For lngIndex = 1 To lngCenAdj
          If lngScroll = 1 Then ActiveWindow.SmallScroll -1
          If lngScroll = -1 Then ActiveWindow.SmallScroll -1
        Next lngIndex
      End If
      Exit Sub
    End Sub
    For now, if the selection is a single line of text, the code seems to cooperate quite well and center the selected text (provided of course the text is not at the top of the document where it couldn't be scrolled to center). However, if the selection is more than one line I've not been able to figure out a universal solution to determine when the scroll up or down should stop to center the selection in the center. On my PC, one line of selected text returns a height value of 28. Without some sort of adjustment, selections of two lines or more the result was that the bottom of the slection was centered. There doesn't seem to be any direct correlation to Window Center and Selection Center. I've cobbled together a process to account for this issue on my PC but not sure how it would work for others.

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