Quote Originally Posted by Bob Phillips View Post
Not sure I will be able to help, I am pretty raw with the Visio OM, but if you could post an example workbook and an idea what the output would look like, I will have a shot at it.
I have given up trying to extract the comment associated with the shape. I realize now the comment is considered another shape. Instead, I manually entered the same number I numbered the shape with at the start of the comment, so I can match them later in Excel. For example, if I numbered the shape 5.2.1, then the comment will start with "5.2.1".
So I now generate two files, one with only "process" shape data, and one with the comment data.

The only issue I have is that it only works on the active page, despite adding in the For each page in the active document code. Maybe I am missing something. If I can get that to work, I am good to go. Because I do the loop twice, the first time for the shapes, and the second time for the comments, I need to make sure I start back at the first page for each loop through the document. Any suggestions?

Sub ShapeInfoToFile()
    Dim strPath As String
    strPath = ActiveDocument.Path
    Dim MyFile As String
    MyFile = strPath & "E2EArchWG Visio Shape Report"
    MyFile2 = strPath & "E2EArchWG Visio Comment Report"
    Open MyFile For Output As #2
    Open MyFile2 For Output As #3
    Dim vDoc As Visio.Document
    Dim vShape As Visio.Shape
    Dim vComments As Visio.Comments
    Dim vShapeLink As Hyperlink
    Dim vPage As Visio.Page
    Dim Entry As String
    Dim sText As String
    Set vDoc = Visio.ActiveDocument

'   Loop through shapes creating a string containing them all, writing to file
    For Each Page In vDoc.Pages
    Set vPage = Visio.ActivePage
    For Each Shape In vPage.Shapes
    Set vShape = Shape
    If Not vShape.Master Is Nothing Then
'   Select only Process shapes
    If vShape.Master.NameU = "Process" Then
'       Get Page Name
        Entry = vPage.Name
'       Get shape displayed text
        Entry = Entry + "," + vShape.Text
'       Loop through the shape Hyperlinks
        For Each vShapeLink In vShape.Hyperlinks
            Entry = Entry + "," + vShape.Hyperlinks.Item(0).Description + "," + vShape.Hyperlinks.Item(0).Address
        Next vShapeLink
'       Append shape comment
'        Entry = Entry + "," + vShape.Comments
        Write #2, Entry
    End If
    End If
'Loop through comments creating a string containing them all
For Each Page In vDoc.Pages
Set vPage = Visio.ActivePage
For Each vComment In vPage.Comments
    sText = vPage.Name + "," + vComment.Text
    Write #3, sText

End Sub