I receive many e-mails which I need to re-direct to many other departments around my company. Recently, the company expanded to several other states so now I need to direct e-mails to the same departments but for other states. For example one email address might be FLAutoRepair... but another might be NYAutoRepair... Further expansion is possible. Prior to the expansion I created a macro which allowed me to select the recipient department and then called the correct macro to make the e-mails, but that was only 8 possible choices. Now it has ballooned into about 70 possible choices and I wanted to create a way to ask a couple of questions (State and Recipient) and from that generate a macro name rather than have 70+ possible choices to choose from. However CALL does not work with variables (according to my research) so I have to use APPLICATION.RUN. However, .RUN is not a method of the Outlook Application object so I need to use Excel's Application object. However, that is generating this error: "Run-time error '1004': Cannot run the macro 'Forward_CC_Response_Auto'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled."

The code is below and below that is the code of the Form you see in the first block. I also need to pass arguments to the called macro.

Sub Choose_Forward_Respond_CC_MultiState()

    ' Macro to choose which Respond & Forward with CC request e-mail macro to use for multiple states.
    ' Declare variables
        Dim appExcelRun As Excel.Application
        Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
        Dim objMailCopy As Outlook.MailItem
        Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
        Dim ofInbox As Outlook.Folder
        Dim ofDestination As Outlook.Folder
        Dim objRespondForwardCC As Object
        Dim strState, strRecipient, strCombinedRecipient, strCallName As String
        ' Instantiate Objects
        Set objItem = GetCurrentItem()
        Set objMail = objItem
        Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        Set ofInbox = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
        Set appExcelRun = New Excel.Application
        ' Declare vairable of location form.
        Dim frmRespondForward As New frmRecipientChooser_V3
        ' Loading and running form.
        Load frmRespondForward
        strState = frmRespondForward.lstStateChoice.Value
        strRecipient = frmRespondForward.lstRecipientChoice.Value
        Unload frmRespondForward
        strCombinedRecipient = strState & "_" & strRecipient
        ' strCallName = "Forward_CC_" & strCombinedRecipient
        ' Execute e-mail macro.
        If strRecipient = "Auto" Then
            appExcelRun.Run "Forward_CC_Response_Auto"
            app.ExcelRun.Run "strCallName"
        End If
    ' Release objects.
    Set objItem = Nothing
    Set objMail = Nothing
    Set objMailCopy = Nothing
    Set ofInbox = Nothing
    Set ofDestination = Nothing

End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    ' Initialize variables
    Dim varStateChoice As String
    ' Create list for State
    lstStateList = Array("BK", "FL", "GA", "KY", "MD", "NJ", "NY", "OH", "PA", "PR", "SC", "TX", "VA")
    With Me.lstStateChoice
        .List = lstStateList
        .ListIndex = 0
    End With
    ' Create list for recipients
    lstRecipientList = Array("Specify", "Auto")
    With Me.lstRecipientChoice
        .List = lstRecipientList
        .ListIndex = 1
    End With

End Sub