I have 3 External web Connections. I use code below to start and stop automatically refresh, but it refreshed All connections.

I need 2 Things:
1- just Refreshing One of Connections: "ConnectionA".
2- Use a cell value to Assign Seconds to repeat refreshing. for example value of cell "A2" is 45, so auto refresh every 45 second.

Public RefreshTime As Double
Public Const Seconds = 30 'Input Refresh Interval in seconds

Sub StartRefreshLoop()

'User Message indicating loop is beginning
  MsgBox "Refreshes will begin to occur at " & _
    "the designated interval of " & Seconds & " seconds"

'Call the first Refresh
  Call StartRefreshes

End Sub

Sub StartRefreshes()

'Calculate Next Refresh Time
  RefreshTime = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, Seconds)

'Trigger a Refresh with OnTime function
  Application.OnTime _
    EarliestTime:=RefreshTime, _
    Procedure:="RefreshConnections", _
End Sub

Sub RefreshConnections()

'Refresh Data Connections

'Start Timer Over Again
  Call StartRefreshes

End Sub

Sub EndRefreshLoop()

'On Error Resume Next
  Application.OnTime _
    EarliestTime:=RefreshTime, _
    Procedure:="RefreshConnections", _

'User Message indicating loop has ended
  MsgBox "Refreshes are no longer occurring"

End Sub