How would I allow the following Content Control formatting, but compile a string of words or characters that if present in the TextBox on a UserForm, were not included in the two lines of formatting intruction?

For the vbProperCase I would like to exclude words like "the, and, it, if, so" so they would all be LowerCase if found.

For the UCase Words, I need it to exclude commas and full stops (this is because at the moment, if one is found at the end of the text entry, it treats that as the last word and effectifly capitilises it instead of the real last actual word).

Finally, if there is a hyphen immediately to the left of the vbProperCase selected last word, then the word to the left of the hyphen should also have UCase applied too.

I'm thinking that this would probably involve producing three variable strings which contain the various words / punctuation marks combinations, then putting in some "If InStr, else, else if" code.

(I've removed all the other Case select options from the below)

Sub FillForm()

Dim oCtrl       As Control
    Dim oCC         As ContentControl
    Dim oRng        As Range
    Dim lngIndex    As Long
    Dim strTC       As String

With m_oFrm
        For Each oCtrl In .Controls
            Select Case TypeName(oCtrl)
                Case "TextBox"

If oCtrl.Name = "txtKeys" Then
                        Set oRng = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Keys").Item(1).Range
                        oRng.Text = StrConv(oCtrl.Text, vbProperCase)
                        oRng.Words.Last = UCase(oRng.Words.Last)
End If
End Select
        Next oCtrl
    End With

    Exit Sub
End Sub