
I don't know if this belongs here or in the PP subfora?

I am looking for a code (in Excel) that can open up PowerPoint and loop through each slide to get the Titles. The goal is to make a list in Excel of EACH slide (=also the slides without a proper Title shape).

Today we do this manually with a PP Module where we generate an Notepad.txt document from which we then Ctrl+C/V into our Excel.
Why? The purpose of this exercise is to generate a Table of Contents of our Management Reporting presentation, where some of our Senior Management wants a hardcopy of the presentation with a TOC. And so far, this method has been the best used. In Excel we add the slide numbers from a "ROW()" formula. (Why it is important to also get slides without title)

Our code in PowerPoint now is:

Sub getTitles2()

 Dim PPSlide As Slide
 Dim sReport As String
 Dim iFilenum As Integer
 Dim FilePath As String
 For Each PPSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides

     If PPSlide.Shapes.HasTitle Then
         If PPSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.HasText Then
             sReport = sReport & PPSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange & vbCrLf
             sReport = sReport & "No title text" & vbCrLf
         End If
         sReport = sReport & "No title" & vbCrLf
     End If
 Next PPSlide

 iFilenum = FreeFile
 FilePath = Environ("TEMP") & "\data.txt"
 Open FilePath For Output As iFilenum
 Print #iFilenum, sReport
 Close iFilenum
 Call Shell("Notepad.exe " & FilePath, vbNormalFocus)
 End Sub
In summary: Extract the titles and insert them into Sheet(x) starting from A1 and down.

Is this possible?

Best regards