I have two questions to ask that relate specifically to TextBoxes. Neither of which I have been able to find a solution for, either by looking online or trial and error on my own UserForm.

1) How do I get a TextBox to respect multiple lines of text? At the moment when the 'Enter' key is pressed on the UserForm, the text transfers to the word document in one continuous line, not even respecting any spaces after a full stop.

I have Enterkey Behaviour=True
Multiline = True
Wordwrap = True

There are no other overriding lines of code. The only textbox that it is respecting the multi-line is a TextBox that is prefilled with two lines of text and a & Chr(11) & in between them.

This issue is just so annoying!

2) How can one position a TextBox (using code) relatively from a say a CommandButton?

The TextBox becomes visible when a CommandButton is pressed, but I would like to position it relatively to this. The reason for this is that this same TextBox is used with a number of CommandButtons going through the form.

