I have the following problem;
I have 2 documents; ‘Inventarisation’ & ‘Summary’.
Document ‘Inventarisation’ will be sent to several people.
They fill in a unique code in cel G3, and fill in a number(3,2,or 1) in cells G5:G9, G11:G15, G17:G21.
They save the document and sent it to me.

Now I would like a code so when I click the Button ‘Place’ in the document ‘Inventarisation’,
It searches for the right PrimaryKey and puts the Code that was put in Cell G3 in document ‘Inventarisation’ and puts it behind the same PrimaryKey in document ‘Summary’ in the Colomn that matches the number that was put in document ‘Inventarisation’. And a Separator behind it.
If the workbook is open then ok, if it is closed, then it should be opened.
In Cell I1 I place the Path to the document.
So; If I put in code aaa in Cel G3, and number 3 in cel G6, behind PrimayKey ‘Manhattan-P1-apartment’.
the, when I push the Button, I should get ‘aaa|’ in Cell G6 in document ‘Summary’.
‘|’ is the separator I use.

Can anybody help me with the code for this problem.

