
I want to give title name when save the powerpoint presentation in wmv format. I found the code in web to save the video in wmv format but now I want to give title name to that video. I run the following code but not working & saving all video as myVideo.wmv.

Sub PowerPointVideo()

Dim myVideo As String

If ActivePresentation.CreateVideoStatus <> ppMediaTaskStatusInProgress Then

myVideo = InputBox("Please enter title name ", "Add Title ")
If myVideo = "" Then
MsgBox "You enter nothing Operation Aborted!"
Exit Sub
End If

ActivePresentation.CreateVideo FileName:=Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\myVideo.wmv", _
UseTimingsAndNarrations:=True, _
VertResolution:=1080, _
FramesPerSecond:=30, _
Else: MsgBox "There is another conversion to video in progress"
End If
End Sub