I'm working on the user-side of this automation project. This workbook of mine emails a form to an employee with some questions on it. I need a little snippet of code to place the values from the form controls into the body of the email before it's sent back to the automation project for further processing.

I ferreted out the command line to paste the form control data I need, see below...

Public Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal item As Object, cancel As Boolean)
item.Body = item.UserProperties("A1").Value & item.Body

End Sub

This takes the values from field A1 into the body and any additional text from the employee's signature/additions...

The problem: I can't figure out how to get Outlook to check the TO: Address to determine if it's sending the email back to the automation project. Once I can get that working, I'm certain I can figure out what to do from there.

TL;DR: I need to check the TO address in an email. I can work out the "what to do after" code. I just need to check if it's a certain address.

Any advice is deeply appreciated. Thank you!