
I'm stuck with below problem.

I have a macro that replies to all with attachments. It works like a charm.
I would like to add a picture below my default signature when I reply to all.

I can make it work when it's at the end of entire communication or at the beginning of my reply.
Can You point me in the right direction?

Picture is located on the sharde drive.

This is my partial code responible for placing picture

With xReplyMailItem
.Subject = "[I] " & Item.Subject
.HTMLBody = strbody & "<br>" & .HTMLBody
.Attachments.Add "W:\ABC\0 Archiwum\picture1", olByValue, 0
.HTMLBody = strbody & "<br></br>" & "<img src=""W:\ABC\0 Archiwum\picture1""width=50>" & .HTMLBody
End With
End With
Picture is placed at the beginning of my reply.