I have a couple of things that I'd like some help in addressing please.

I have a textbox on my UserForm called txtRptDate, which as its name suggests is for the user to input a date (UK format), as for example 10/01/2022.

Code in the module will then convert this to DDDD DD MMMM. So that this formats it to read Monday 10 January. The sub ReportedDate is meant to then format the date so that an ordinal is applied, as that which is called earlier to apply the same to the content control on the Active Document Property "created date" in the sub CreatedDate.

CreatedDate is working fine and does as it should, but I think I'm missing something as the same cannot be said for ReportedDate. I cannot get the ordinal part to work on this.

My second part is a question about if the user selects a ribbon button that I have to enable editing of the UserForm again. The date that was entered in txtRptDate will show for example Monday 10th January (hopefully) if this i utilized. Is there a way to maintain for UserForm purposes, the initially entered format of DD/MM/YYYY, but which will then still work to produce Monday 10th January when the "Enter" button is pressed?

Here is my code which I have stripped back to only include the main sub (hence only one "case") with only the code for the RptDate, two date subs and the function. Please note that the CreatedDate works perfectly already.

Option Explicit

Sub CreateDoc()
    Dim oDoc   As Document
    Dim oRng   As Range
    Dim oVar   As Variable
    Dim oCtrl  As Control
    Dim occ    As ContentControl
    Dim oFrmNFA As frmNFA
    Dim sCC    As String

    If ActiveDocument = ThisDocument Then
        MsgBox "You cannot use this function to edit the document template", vbCritical
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '*** Call CreatedDate procedure
    Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
    Set oFrmNFA = New frmNFA
    With oFrmNFA
        For Each occ In oDoc.ContentControls
            If occ.ShowingPlaceholderText = False Then
                Select Case occ.Title
                    Case "Report Date"
                        .txtRptDate.Text = occ.Range.Text
                End Select
            End If
        Next occ
        If .Tag = 0 Then GoTo lbl_Exit
        For Each occ In oDoc.ContentControls
            Set oRng = occ.Range
            Select Case occ.Title
                Case "Report Date"
                    oRng.Text = .txtRptDate.Text
                    oRng.Text = Format(.txtRptDate.Text, "DDDD DD MMMM")
                    '*** Call ReportedDate procedure
            End Select
        Next occ
    End With
    Unload oFrmNFA
    Set oFrmNFA = Nothing
    Set oRng = Nothing
    Set occ = Nothing
    Set oDoc = Nothing
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub CreatedDate()
    Dim oDate  As Date
    Dim occ    As ContentControl
    oDate = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Creation Date")
    Set occ = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("Date").Item(1)
    occ.Range.Text = Format(oDate, "DDDD") & " " & Format(oDate, "D") & _
        fcnOrdinal(Format(oDate, "D")) & " " & Format(oDate, "MMMM YYYY")
    occ.Range.NoProofing = True
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub ReportedDate()
    Dim oReportDate  As Date
    Dim occ    As ContentControl

    oReportDate = occ("Report Date")
    Set occ = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("Report Date").Item(1)
    occ.Range.Text = Format(oReportDate, "DDDD") & " " & Format(oReportDate, "D") & _
                     fcnOrdinal(Format(oReportDate, "D")) & " " & Format(oReportDate, "MMMM YYYY")
    occ.Range.NoProofing = True
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Function fcnOrdinal(lngDay As Long) As String
    'Adaptation from code used by macropod
    Dim strOrd      As String
    If (lngDay Mod 100) < 11 Or (lngDay Mod 100) > 13 Then strOrd = _
       Choose(lngDay Mod 10, ChrW(&H2E2) & ChrW(&H1D57), ChrW(&H207F) & ChrW(&H1D48), ChrW(&H2B3) & ChrW(&H1D48)) & ""
    fcnOrdinal = IIf(strOrd = "", ChrW(&H1D57) & ChrW(&H2B0), strOrd)
    Exit Function
End Function