With John Wilson's invaluable help, my align left flush left worked great. I got the align to top to work with only minor bumps.

Now I was trying to get it to align right but the shapes end up all over the place. The idea is to then adapt the code to do a flush to bottom.

I think I'm not taking something into account in the "posnext = ". Possibly the width of the next shape.

Thanks in advance

Global Const txDrawAreaLeft As Integer = 60
Global Const txDrawAreaWidth As Integer = 840

Sub AlignRight()
Dim oshpR As ShapeRange
Dim oshp As Shape
Dim L As Long
Dim rayPOS() As Shape
 Dim PosTop As Long
 Dim PosNext As Long
Set oshpR = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
ReDim rayPOS(1 To oshpR.Count)
'add to array
For L = 1 To oshpR.Count
  Set rayPOS(L) = oshpR(L)
Next L
Call sortray(rayPOS)
For L = 1 To UBound(rayPOS)
    If L = 1 Then
 Set oshp = rayPOS(L)
        PosTop = oshp.Top
        PosNext = (txDrawAreaLeft + txDrawAreaWidth) - oshp.Width
        Set oshp = rayPOS(L)
        oshp.Top = PosTop
        oshp.Left = PosNext
        PosNext = (txDrawAreaLeft + txDrawAreaWidth) - oshp.Width
    End If
Next L
End Sub

Sub sortray(ArrayIn As Variant)
   Dim b_Cont As Boolean
   Dim lngCount As Long
   Dim vSwap As Long
      b_Cont = False
      For lngCount = LBound(ArrayIn) To UBound(ArrayIn) - 1
         If ArrayIn(lngCount) > ArrayIn(lngCount + 1) Then
            vSwap = ArrayIn(lngCount)
            ArrayIn(lngCount) = ArrayIn(lngCount + 1)
            ArrayIn(lngCount + 1) = vSwap
            b_Cont = True
         End If
      Next lngCount
   Loop Until Not b_Cont
End Sub