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Thread: Tidying Up Paragraphs

  1. #1
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020

    Tidying Up Paragraphs

    I'm trying to tidy up all paragraphs for a number of Content Controls within the same document. The idea is to remove any blank paragraphs at the start and end of each whilst ensuring single paragraph spacing in between each paragraph. This should also tidy up and ensure single word spacing.

    So far I have the following which is working with the exception of not removing empty paragraphs at the start. No matter what I try I just cannot get them removed, there is always a double return.


    As this is going to be used a number of times, I will place in its own sub and call as required after setting the range.

    Option Explicit
    Sub CreateDoc()
        Dim oDoc   As Document
        Dim oRng   As Range
        Dim oRngPara As Range
        Dim oParagraphCount As Long
        Dim x      As Integer
        Dim intCounter As Integer
        Dim oCtrl  As control
        Dim oCC    As ContentControl
        Dim oFrmTriageRC As frmTriageRC
        If ActiveDocument = ThisDocument Then
            MsgBox "You cannot use this function to edit the document template", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
        Set oFrmTriageRC = New frmTriageRC
        With oFrmTriageRC
            For Each oCC In oDoc.ContentControls
                If oCC.ShowingPlaceholderText = False Then
                    Select Case oCC.Title
                        Case "Summary"
                            .txtSummary.Text = oCC.Range.Text
                        Case "Research"
                            .txtResearch.Text = oCC.Range.Text        
                    End Select
                End If
            Next oCC
            If .Tag = 0 Then GoTo lbl_Exit
            For Each oCC In oDoc.ContentControls
                On Error Resume Next
                Select Case oCC.Title
                    Case "Summary"
                        oRng.Text = .txtSummary.Text
                        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
                        ' Ensure there is only single spacing between words
                        With oRng.Find
                            'Here is where it is actually looking for spaces between words
                            .Text = " [ ]@([! ]@[? ])"
                            'This line tells it to replace the excessive spaces with one space
                            .Replacement.Text = " \1"
                            .MatchWildcards = True
                            .Wrap = wdFindStop
                            .Format = False
                            .Forward = True
                            .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
                        End With
                        On Error Resume Next
                        ' Ensure there is only single paragraph spacing
                        oParagraphCount = oDoc.Paragraphs.Count
                        'Loop Through Each Paragraph (in reverse order)
                        For x = oParagraphCount To 1 Step -1
                            If x - 1 > 1 Then
                                If oRng.Paragraphs(x).Range.Text = vbCr And oRng.Paragraphs(x - 1).Range.Text = vbCr Then
                                End If
                            End If
                        Next x
                        ' Ensure empty first paragraphs are removed
                        intCounter = 1
                            Set oRngPara = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range
                            If oRngPara.Text = vbCr Then oRngPara.Delete
                            intCounter = intCounter + 1
                        Loop Until intCounter >= 5
                        ' Ensure empty last paragraphs are removed 
                        intCounter = 1
                            Set oRngPara = oRng.Paragraphs.Last.Range
                            If oRngPara.Text = vbCr Then oRngPara.Delete
                            intCounter = intCounter + 1
                        Loop Until intCounter >= 5
                        ' Convert to sentence case
                        oRng.Case = wdTitleSentence
                        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
                  Case "Research"
                    oRng.Text = .txtResearch.Text
                    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
                        ' Ensure there is only single spacing between words
                        With oRng.Find
                            'Here is where it is actually looking for spaces between words
                            .Text = " [ ]@([! ]@[? ])"
                            'This line tells it to replace the excessive spaces with one space
                            .Replacement.Text = " \1"
                            .MatchWildcards = True
                            .Wrap = wdFindStop
                            .Format = False
                            .Forward = True
                            .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
                        End With
                        On Error Resume Next
                        ' Ensure there is only single paragraph spacing
                        oParagraphCount = oDoc.Paragraphs.Count
                        'Loop Through Each Paragraph (in reverse order)
                        For x = oParagraphCount To 1 Step -1
                            If x - 1 > 1 Then
                                If oRng.Paragraphs(x).Range.Text = vbCr And oRng.Paragraphs(x - 1).Range.Text = vbCr Then
                                End If
                            End If
                        Next x
                        ' Ensure empty first paragraphs are removed
                        intCounter = 1
                            Set oRngPara = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range
                            If oRngPara.Text = vbCr Then oRngPara.Delete
                            intCounter = intCounter + 1
                        Loop Until intCounter >= 5
                        ' Ensure empty last paragraphs are removed
                        intCounter = 1
                            Set oRngPara = oRng.Paragraphs.Last.Range
                            If oRngPara.Text = vbCr Then oRngPara.Delete
                            intCounter = intCounter + 1
                        Loop Until intCounter >= 5
                        ' Convert to sentence case
                        oRng.Case = wdTitleSentence
                End Select
            Next oCC
        End With
        Unload oFrmTriageRC
        Set oFrmTriageRC = Nothing
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Set oCC = Nothing
        Set oDoc = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

  2. #2
    That looks a bit over the top. Try the following instead

    Dim oCC As ContentControl
    Dim oPara As Paragraph
    Dim lPara As Long
        For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
            If oCC.Type = wdContentControlRichText Then
                oCC.LockContentControl = False
                For lPara = oCC.Range.Paragraphs.Count To 1 Step -1
                    Set oPara = oCC.Range.Paragraphs(lPara)
                    If Len(oPara.Range.Text) = 1 Then oPara.Range.Delete
                Next lPara
                oCC.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6
                oCC.Range.Find.Execute findText:="[ ]{1,}", _
                                       MatchWildcards:=True, _
                                       Replacewith:=" ", _
                                       Replace:=wdReplaceAll, _
                oCC.Range.Case = wdTitleSentence
                oCC.LockContentControl = True
            End If
        Next oCC
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  3. #3
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    Thanks for looking at this for me Graham.

    I agree that my version was rather over engineered. I've tweaked it slightly so that I can apply it to certain specified ranges, but unfortunately it is now putting a double paragraph at the end.

    Dim oCC        As ContentControl
    Dim oRng       As Range
    Dim oPara      As Paragraph
    Dim lPara      As Long
    For Each oCC In oDoc.ContentControls
        If oCC.ShowingPlaceholderText = False Then
            Select Case oCC.Title
                Case "Summary"
                    .txtSummary.Text = oCC.Range.Text
            End Select
        End If
    Next oCC
    For Each oCC In oDoc.ContentControls
        Select Case oCC.Title
            Case "Summary"
                oRng.Text = .txtSummary.Text
        End Select
    End If
    Next oCC
    With oRng.ContentControls
        If oCC.Type = wdContentControlRichText Then
            oCC.LockContentControl = False
            For lPara = oCC.Range.Paragraphs.Count To 1 Step -1
                Set oPara = oCC.Range.Paragraphs(lPara)
                If Len(oPara.Range.Text) = 1 Then oPara.Range.Delete
            Next lPara
            oCC.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 12
            oCC.Range.Find.Execute findText:="[ ]{1,}", _
                                   MatchWildcards:=True, _
                                   Replacewith:=" ", _
                                   Replace:=wdReplaceAll, _
            oCC.Range.Case = wdTitleSentence
            oCC.LockContentControl = True
        End If
    End With
    End Select
    Next oCC
    End With

  4. #4
    You seem to have created a host of unnecessary loops?
    Try the following
    For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
            Select Case oCC.Title
                Case "Summary"
                    oCC.LockContentControl = False
                    oCC.Range.Text = .txtSummary.Text
                    For lPara = oCC.Range.Paragraphs.Count To 1 Step -1
                        Set oPara = oCC.Range.Paragraphs(lPara)
                        If Len(oPara.Range.Text) = 1 Then oPara.Range.Delete
                    Next lPara
                    oCC.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6
                    oCC.Range.Find.Execute findText:="[ ]{1,}", _
                                           MatchWildcards:=True, _
                                           Replacewith:=" ", _
                                           Replace:=wdReplaceAll, _
                    oCC.Range.Case = wdTitleSentence
                    oCC.LockContentControl = True
            End Select
        Next oCC
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  5. #5
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    Sorry Graham, but it still isn't playing ball.

    I've attached the form as I cannot fathom why it isn't working.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
    I've made a few changes to remove a lot of duplication. It appears to work as intended.
    Watch the order in which you apply processes to the text, so that subsequent processes do not change what has already been applied.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  7. #7
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    Thanks again Graham!

    Alas, firstly when entering a hyphenated lastname in aggrieved or suspect, it deletes the firstname altogether, but works correctly if no hyphenation is input.

    Secondly, that pesky one extra carriage return still appears.

  8. #8
    The first issue relates to the TrueTitleCase function and the additional line issue relates to the way that text boxes handle line breaks, fixed in the userform code.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  9. #9
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    Many thanks Graham!

    I've been looking at the adjustments that you made to try and see what is happening.

    The hyphen part I think I have fathomed out and I reckon the IsHyphenated function is creating a variable of sName and then using this by counting back two words to then create the range to be converted to uppercase.

    Annoyingly I cannot see on the UserForm how the change to the 'cmdExecute' combats the extra line break issue.

    If Asc(Right(txtEnquiries.Text, 1)) = 10 Then
            txtEnquiries.Text = Left(txtEnquiries.Text, Len(txtEnquiries.Text) - 2)
        End If
    Last edited by HTSCF Fareha; 03-18-2022 at 01:39 AM.

  10. #10
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    Finally fathomed it out and cannot believe that I didn't work out that this was looking for the linefeed (ascii 10) character.

  11. #11
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    I knew that it was too good to be true. This works brilliantly on a word document, but once I have produced my document, it then needs to be copied and pasted into a bespoke programme that is RTF. It would appear that it doesn't recognise the "spaceafter" so ignores this and places everything one line after the next with no spaces.

  12. #12
    In that case you need to re-introduce an additional paragraph break after each paragraph before copying and pasting to the RTF application. Maybe something like
    Sub CopyCC()
    Dim oCC As ContentControl
    Dim oRng As Range
    Dim oPara As Paragraph
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lCount As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        Set oCC = Selection.Range.ParentContentControl
        Set oRng = oCC.Range
        If oRng.Paragraphs.Count > 1 Then
            lCount = oRng.Paragraphs.Count - 1
            For i = lCount To 1 Step -1
            Next i
            For i = lCount * 2 To 1 Step -1
                If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
                End If
            Next i
        End If
        Set oCC = Nothing
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  13. #13
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    Thanks for persevering with me Graham. I really wish that we didn't have to deal with RTF.

    I was thinking that ideally your code suggestion from your last post could be put into the FixSpacing sub, but my attempt is failing.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  14. #14
    The code was meant to be used as a means of copying the contents of a properly formatted CC to your RTF application with the appropriate added spacing required by that format. It was not meant to be part of your existing code. However as you haven't said how you transfer the data to that application, it is difficult to advise. Didn't the document have the appropriate empty paragraphs before the recent changes to remove them?
    If you want to include it in your code, call the following from the end of your code
    Sub FormatCC()
    Dim oCC As ContentControl
    Dim oRng As Range
    Dim oPara As Paragraph
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lCount As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        For Each oCC In ActiveDocument.ContentControls
            If oCC.Type = wdContentControlRichText Then
                Set oRng = oCC.Range
                oRng.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0
                If oRng.Paragraphs.Count > 1 Then
                    lCount = oRng.Paragraphs.Count - 1
                    For i = lCount To 1 Step -1
                    Next i
                End If
            End If
        Next oCC
        Set oCC = Nothing
        Set oRng = Nothing
        Set oPara = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) 2002-2019
    Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes

  15. #15
    VBAX Mentor
    Aug 2020
    My bad Graham for not explaining myself clearly. The document is produced then the usual Ctrl A, Ctrl C with the final Ctrl V into the RTF entry area.

    With the most recent FormatCC sub I can now report that everything is working fine.

    Thank you again!

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