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Thread: How to detect if document object has been deleted

  1. #1

    How to detect if document object has been deleted

    I am trying to close an array of Word documents, some of which may have already been closed by the user.

    Dim arrDoofDocs As Integer
    Dim aDoc As Document

    aDocArray has the documents that were open when we started but some of which the user may have closed. The code works if the docs are all open

    As you can see I have tried On Error and If ... Nothing but to no avail. It hits the "object has been deleted error". What's the correct code?

    For i = 1 To arrNoofDocs
                Set aDoc = aDocArray(i)
                'On Error GoTo SkipClose
                'If aDoc Is Nothing Then GoTo SkipClose                      ' Check if doc is open. User might have closed it
                If Not aDoc Is Nothing Then aDoc.Close                       ' Check if doc is open. User might have closed it


    Last edited by johndavidson; 05-05-2022 at 02:32 AM. Reason: clearer formatting

  2. #2
    can you use:

    On Error Resume Next

  3. #3
    Thanks arnelgp, that's done the trick!

  4. #4
    Hmmm. Spoke too soon. That doesn't always work. I can't see what the difference between the circumstances is but sometimes I still get the "object has been deleted" message. It permits the Set aDoc = aDocArray(i) statement even tho' the document has already been deleted but complains on the aDoc.Close statement.

    If I replace the aDoc.Close statement with If Not aDoc Is Nothing Then aDoc.Close it still does not recognize that aDoc is no longer open and goes on to try and execute aDoc.Close which produces the error message. It doesn't 'Resume Next'.

     For i = 1 To arrNoofDocs
                Set aDoc = aDocArray(i)
                On Error Resume Next
                If Not aDoc Is Nothing Then aDoc.Close
    Any further thoughts?

  5. #5
    add this code to a Module:
    Function IsFileOpen(filename As String)
        Dim fileNum As Integer
        Dim errNum As Integer
        'Allow all errors to happen
        On Error Resume Next
        fileNum = FreeFile()
        'Try to open and close the file for input.
        'Errors mean the file is already open
        Open filename For Input Lock Read As #fileNum
        Close fileNum
        'Get the error number
        errNum = Err
        'Do not allow errors to happen
        On Error GoTo 0
        'Check the Error Number
        Select Case errNum
            'errNum = 0 means no errors, therefore file closed
            Case 0
                IsFileOpen = False
                'errNum = 70 means the file is already open
            Case 70
                IsFileOpen = True
                'Something else went wrong
            Case Else
                IsFileOpen = errNum
        End Select
    End Function

    on your code, you also add an array and put
    the path + name of the word file that you are working

    Public aFiles(1 To X) As String 'X is the total number of files
    aFiles(1)="doc path + filename 1 here"
    aFiles(2)="doc path + filename 2 here"
    ' etc...

    now on your code make some modification:

    For i = 1 To arrNoofDocs
    		If IsFileOpen(aFiles(i)) <> 0
                Set aDoc = aDocArray(i)
                On Error Resume Next
                If Not aDoc Is Nothing Then aDoc.Close
    		End If

  6. #6
    I'm afraid that that doesn't work either. I already have a working IsFileOpen function and in this situation it consistently returns Err = 53

    Public Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String)
        Dim iFilenum As Long
        Dim iErr As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        iFilenum = FreeFile()
        Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #iFilenum
        Close iFilenum
        iErr = Err
        On Error GoTo 0
        Select Case iErr
            Case 0:    IsFileOpen = False
            Case 53:   IsFileOpen = False   ' added for DoTDocs_Click in frmFRTreasuryPARTs code
            Case 70:   IsFileOpen = True
            Case Else: Error iErr
        End Select
    End Function
    The calling code is:

            For i = 1 To arrNoofDocs
                Set aDoc = aDocArray(i)
                On Error Resume Next
                If IsFileOpen(DocNameArray(i)) = True Then aDoc.Close
    The file name contains the entire path including C:\ ..., though I tried it without the path as well.

    I stepped it through and always get the same error - Err = 53 whether a doc. is open or closed.

    Have you tried this code yourself?


  7. #7
    My apologies. The code does work. It was my file names that had an error!!

    I hope that's ll fixed now

    Thanks for your help.

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