Hello, I am using this macro to find files and move them to a folder. The folder created uses the contents in column A as the folder name. I'd like the folder to now use column A and column B as the folder name. I've tried a few things and it hasn't work. Please can someone help. Thank you

 Sub FindFilesAndMove()    Dim MyFolder As String, MyFile As String, srchStr As String, DestFoldFull As String, FSO As Object, rCell As Range
    Dim DestFold As String
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
    MyFolder = "Y:\Accounts Conveyancing Shared\Populated completion documents\" '<<< change to suit
    DestFold = "Y:\Accounts Conveyancing Shared\Completions\Auto completion packs\" '<<< change to suit
    For Each rCell In Range("A2:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Cells
        MyFile = Dir(MyFolder)
        srchStr = rCell.Value & " - "
        DestFoldFull = DestFold & rCell & "\"
        MkDir DestFoldFull
        Do While MyFile <> ""
            If InStr(MyFile, srchStr) Then
                FSO.MoveFile Source:=MyFolder & MyFile, Destination:=DestFoldFull & MyFile
            End If
        MyFile = Dir
    Next rCell
    MsgBox ("Pack Creation Successful")
End Sub

End Sub