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Thread: MoveLast ERROR

  1. #1

    MoveLast ERROR

    Dear all,

    I have a problem with this code (since 1 month ago). There are problems with the MoveLast and MoveFirst function and I have been looking for it about 4 weeks ago and no solution, so please if you can help me

    Sub ImportarModelos()
        Dim strSource As String
        Dim dbs As DAO.Database
        Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
        Dim consulta As String
    Dim archivoAbrir As Excel.Workbook
        Dim RUTAExcel As String
        Dim strRespuesta As String
    Dim posicionhoja As Integer
        Dim rangocopiar As Range
        Dim rangopegar As Range
    Dim i As Long
        Dim j As Long
        Dim k As Long
        Dim m As Long
    Dim cantcarroc As Long
        Dim matrizcarroc(150) As String
        Dim ETYPE As String
        Dim modelo As String
        Static cantmodelos As String
        Dim planta As String
    Dim numMES1 As Integer
        Dim numMES2 As Integer
        Dim numMES3 As Integer
        Dim numMES4 As Integer
        Dim numMES5 As Integer
        Dim numMES6 As Integer
        Dim numMES7 As Integer
        Dim numMES8 As Integer
        Dim numMES9 As Integer
        Dim numMES10 As Integer
        Dim numMES11 As Integer
        Dim numMES12 As Integer
    Dim StartTime As Double
        Dim MinutesElapsed As String
    strRespuesta = MsgBox("La importación de Modelos eliminará todos los datos anteriores. ¿Desea continuar?", _
                        vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Importación de Modelos")
    If strRespuesta = vbNo Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'Colocar ACT y FC en la Plantilla
        Call Etiquetar_FC_ACT
    'Ruta Excel con rutas almacenadas (Excel formulario cargar ficheros)
        RUTAExcel = RutaTool.Range("D2") & "" & RutaTool.Range("C2")
        Set archivoAbrir = Workbooks.Open(RUTAExcel)
    'Ruta bbdd
        With archivoAbrir
            strSource = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value & "" & ActiveSheet.Range("C6").Value
        End With
        Set dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(strSource, False, False)
    sFechaBotonModelos = "UPDATE Fechas_Modelos SET Fecha_BotonModelos= Now()"
        dbs.Execute sFechaBotonModelos
    'Aviso de ejecucion importar datos
        Application.StatusBar = "Importando MODELOS desde Base de Datos"
    marca = indice.Range("B10")
    If marca = "TODAS" Then
    consulta = "SELECT DISTINCT ModelosBD.E_CS " _
            & "FROM ModelosBD " _
            & "WHERE (((ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [InvoicesAG]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_NSCStock]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_DealerStock]) " _
            & "OR (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_CC) " _
            & "OR (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_RAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasCC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasRAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [WholesaleTOTAL]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [IncomingORDERS]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [RetailTOTAL])))"
            consulta = "SELECT DISTINCT ModelosBD.E_CS " _
            & "FROM ModelosBD " _
            & "WHERE (((ModelosBD.Brand)='" & marca & "') AND ((ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [InvoicesAG]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_NSCStock]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_DealerStock]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_CC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_RAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasCC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasRAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [WholesaleTOTAL]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [IncomingORDERS]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [RetailTOTAL])))"
    End If
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(consulta)
        rst.MoveLast          <---------- error
        rst.MoveFirst          <---------- error
    cantcarroc = rst.RecordCount
        For i = 1 To cantcarroc
            matrizcarroc(i) = rst.Fields(0)
        Next i
    '** para modelos, elimina todas las hojas y crea nueva por cada carrocería (para WH,RT e IO no elimina hojas)
    canthojas = Worksheets.Count
    If canthojas > 14 Then
            For m = canthojas To 15 Step -1  'PARA CADA HOJA
        End If 'canthojas >14
        Sheets(3).Visible = True 'NuevaPlantilla
    For m = 1 To cantcarroc
            Sheets(3).Copy after:=Sheets(14) 'copia la hoja Plantilla (oculta)
        Next m
        Sheets(3).Visible = False
    For i = 1 To cantcarroc
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 06-29-2022 at 06:05 AM. Reason: Added code tags to supplied code

  2. #2
    check if there is at least a record fetched by the recordset:

    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(consulta)
    If not (rst.BOF and rst.EOF) Then
    'continue with the code
    'the recordset is empty
    Msgbox "No record was found!"
    End If
    set rst = Nothing
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 06-29-2022 at 06:05 AM. Reason: Added code tags to supplied code

  3. #3
    I get the message: No record was found!

    I dont know too much about VBA, but I put your code like this:

    Sub ImportarModelos()
        Dim strSource As String
        Dim dbs As DAO.Database
        Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
        Dim consulta As String
    Dim archivoAbrir As Excel.Workbook
        Dim RUTAExcel As String
        Dim strRespuesta As String
    Dim posicionhoja As Integer
        Dim rangocopiar As Range
        Dim rangopegar As Range
    Dim i As Long
        Dim j As Long
        Dim k As Long
        Dim m As Long
    Dim cantcarroc As Long
        Dim matrizcarroc(150) As String
        Dim ETYPE As String
        Dim modelo As String
        Static cantmodelos As String
        Dim planta As String
    Dim numMES1 As Integer
        Dim numMES2 As Integer
        Dim numMES3 As Integer
        Dim numMES4 As Integer
        Dim numMES5 As Integer
        Dim numMES6 As Integer
        Dim numMES7 As Integer
        Dim numMES8 As Integer
        Dim numMES9 As Integer
        Dim numMES10 As Integer
        Dim numMES11 As Integer
        Dim numMES12 As Integer
    Dim StartTime As Double
        Dim MinutesElapsed As String
    strRespuesta = MsgBox("La importación de Modelos eliminará todos los datos anteriores. ¿Desea continuar?", _
                        vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Importación de Modelos")
    If strRespuesta = vbNo Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'Colocar ACT y FC en la Plantilla
        Call Etiquetar_FC_ACT
    'Ruta Excel con rutas almacenadas (Excel formulario cargar ficheros)
        RUTAExcel = RutaTool.Range("D2") & "" & RutaTool.Range("C2")
        Set archivoAbrir = Workbooks.Open(RUTAExcel)
    'Ruta bbdd
        With archivoAbrir
            strSource = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value & "" & ActiveSheet.Range("C6").Value
        End With
        Set dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(strSource, False, False)
    sFechaBotonModelos = "UPDATE Fechas_Modelos SET Fecha_BotonModelos= Now()"
        dbs.Execute sFechaBotonModelos
    'Aviso de ejecucion importar datos
        Application.StatusBar = "Importando MODELOS desde Base de Datos"
    marca = indice.Range("B10")
    If marca = "TODAS" Then
    consulta = "SELECT DISTINCT ModelosBD.E_CS " _
            & "FROM ModelosBD " _
            & "WHERE (((ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [InvoicesAG]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_NSCStock]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_DealerStock]) " _
            & "OR (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_CC) " _
            & "OR (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_RAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasCC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasRAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [WholesaleTOTAL]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [IncomingORDERS]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [RetailTOTAL])))"
            consulta = "SELECT DISTINCT ModelosBD.E_CS " _
            & "FROM ModelosBD " _
            & "WHERE (((ModelosBD.Brand)='" & marca & "') AND ((ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [InvoicesAG]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_NSCStock]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_DealerStock]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_CC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_RAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasCC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.modelcode) in (SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasRAC) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [WholesaleTOTAL]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [IncomingORDERS]) " _
            & "Or (ModelosBD.Modelcode) In (SELECT Modelcode FROM [RetailTOTAL])))"
    End If
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(consulta)
        If Not (rst.BOF And rst.EOF) Then
    'the recordset is empty
    MsgBox "No record was found!"
    End If
    Set rst = Nothing
    cantcarroc = rst.RecordCount
        For i = 1 To cantcarroc
            matrizcarroc(i) = rst.Fields(0)
        Next i
    '** para modelos, elimina todas las hojas y crea nueva por cada carrocería (para WH,RT e IO no elimina hojas)
    canthojas = Worksheets.Count
    If canthojas > 14 Then
            For m = canthojas To 15 Step -1  'PARA CADA HOJA
        End If 'canthojas >14
        Sheets(3).Visible = True 'NuevaPlantilla
    For m = 1 To cantcarroc
            Sheets(3).Copy after:=Sheets(14) 'copia la hoja Plantilla (oculta)
        Next m
        Sheets(3).Visible = False
    For i = 1 To cantcarroc
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 06-29-2022 at 06:07 AM. Reason: Added code tags to supplied code

  4. #4
    if there is No Record, what will you do?
    i think you need to Stop and Exit the Sub.

    Sub ImportarModelos()
    Dim strSource As String
    Dim dbs As DAO.Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim consulta As String
    Dim archivoAbrir As Excel.Workbook
    Dim RUTAExcel As String
    Dim strRespuesta As String
    Dim posicionhoja As Integer
    Dim rangocopiar As Range
    Dim rangopegar As Range
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim k As Long
    Dim m As Long
    Dim cantcarroc As Long
    Dim matrizcarroc(150) As String
    Dim ETYPE As String
    Dim modelo As String
    Static cantmodelos As String
    Dim planta As String
    Dim numMES1 As Integer
    Dim numMES2 As Integer
    Dim numMES3 As Integer
    Dim numMES4 As Integer
    Dim numMES5 As Integer
    Dim numMES6 As Integer
    Dim numMES7 As Integer
    Dim numMES8 As Integer
    Dim numMES9 As Integer
    Dim numMES10 As Integer
    Dim numMES11 As Integer
    Dim numMES12 As Integer
    Dim StartTime As Double
    Dim MinutesElapsed As String
    strRespuesta = MsgBox("La importación de Modelos eliminará todos los datos anteriores. ¿Desea continuar?", _
    vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Importación de Modelos")
    If strRespuesta = vbNo Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    'Colocar ACT y FC en la Plantilla
    Call Etiquetar_FC_ACT
    'Ruta Excel con rutas almacenadas (Excel formulario cargar ficheros)
    RUTAExcel = RutaTool.Range("D2") & "" & RutaTool.Range("C2")
    Set archivoAbrir = Workbooks.Open(RUTAExcel)
    'Ruta bbdd
    With archivoAbrir
    strSource = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value & "" & ActiveSheet.Range("C6").Value
    End With
    Set dbs = DBEngine.OpenDatabase(strSource, False, False)
    sFechaBotonModelos = "UPDATE Fechas_Modelos SET Fecha_BotonModelos= Now()"
    dbs.Execute sFechaBotonModelos
    'Aviso de ejecucion importar datos
    Application.StatusBar = "Importando MODELOS desde Base de Datos"
    marca = indice.Range("B10")
    If marca = "TODAS" Then
    consulta = "SELECT DISTINCT ModelosBD.E_CS " _
    & "FROM ModelosBD " _
    & "WHERE (((ModelosBD.Modelcode) In " _
    & "(SELECT Modelcode FROM [InvoicesAG] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_NSCStock] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_DealerStock] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_CC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_RAC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasCC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasRAC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [WholesaleTOTAL] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [IncomingORDERS] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [RetailTOTAL])))"
    consulta = "SELECT DISTINCT ModelosBD.E_CS " _
    & "FROM ModelosBD " _
    & "WHERE (((ModelosBD.Brand)='" & marca & "') AND ((ModelosBD.Modelcode) In " _
    & "(SELECT Modelcode FROM [InvoicesAG] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_NSCStock] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [SOYModel_DealerStock] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_CC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM WholesaleVO_RAC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasCC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM MatriculasRAC UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [WholesaleTOTAL] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [IncomingORDERS] UNION ALL " _
    & "SELECT Modelcode FROM [RetailTOTAL])))"
    End If
    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(consulta)
    If (rst.BOF And rst.EOF) Then
        Set rst = Nothing
        'the recordset is empty
        MsgBox "No record was found!"
        Exit Sub
        cantcarroc = rst.RecordCount
        For i = 1 To cantcarroc
            matrizcarroc(i) = rst.Fields(0)
        Next i
         '** para modelos, elimina todas las hojas y crea nueva por cada carrocería (para WH,RT e IO no elimina hojas)
        canthojas = Worksheets.Count
        If canthojas > 14 Then
        For m = canthojas To 15 Step -1 'PARA CADA HOJA
        End If 'canthojas >14
        Sheets(3).Visible = True 'NuevaPlantilla
        For m = 1 To cantcarroc
        Sheets(3).Copy after:=Sheets(14) 'copia la hoja Plantilla (oculta)
        Next m
        Sheets(3).Visible = False
        For i = 1 To cantcarroc
    End If
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 06-29-2022 at 06:10 AM. Reason: removed whitespace

  5. #5
    Did i put your code in the correct order? Only happened this error this month, i have been working witch that code since 2 years ago and all worked good.

    What do you think i have to do?

  6. #6
    So i think the error in the code is before the movelast function

  7. #7
    Hello, thank you for your reply and sorry for not being able to explain the error. The macro is extracting data from current months in order to predict future months. The error message I get is the following: "An error '3021' has occurred at runtime: there is no active record" When it has been working correctly for months and no one has touched the code.

  8. #8
    VBAX Master Aflatoon's Avatar
    Sep 2009
    You need to look at your data. It's not a code error per se, it's that nothing is matching your criteria so you don't get any records back.
    Be as you wish to seem

  9. #9

    The data is correct, what's more, this process is done every month, and I have tried to do it again last month (which previously worked correctly) and now it doesn't work. I am afraid it is due to an update in the Office, but I am not able to find the error or the solution.

  10. #10
    VBAX Master Aflatoon's Avatar
    Sep 2009
    The fact is you are not getting any records returned from your query. Without your files, we can't even determine which of the queries is running, let alone why it isn't returning anything, so I'm afraid the debugging will have to be at your end.
    Be as you wish to seem

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