I'm really struggling to try and get a sub to delete any trailing space that it finds within a content control range. I've looked across the internet and can find plenty to help trim trailing spaces within a cell for Excel, but nothing for Word (or at least I cannot find anything).

This sub will need to work within a UserForm / Macro Enabled Template environment.

There is only usually a single space that needs deleting (occasionally two), but this sub will be called to run across numerous Content Controls.

I'm not sure whether it would be prudent to try and cover all the various different forms of space, such as non breaking etc.

Here is what I have at the moment.

Private Sub DeleteTrailingSpace(cCtrl As ContentControl)

Dim oRng   As Range

With cCtrl.Range
        Set oRng = cCtrl.Range
        ' If the last character is a space then delete it
        If oRng.Characters.Last = Chr(32) Then
        ElseIf oRng.Characters.Last <> Chr(32) Then
        End If
    End With
    Exit Sub
Hoping someone can help. Thanks!