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Thread: Macro Or Command To Change Photo In Excel - Urgent Weekend Help Needed

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by garak0410 View Post
    Here's the project without the XLA file, so you may get a few errors on opening...

    Attachment 30130
    That should work...and as you can see, I added the button to the COVER page and the module for the code you kindly provided.

  2. #22
    all the Sheets are Locked that is why you cannot changed the "image".
    you try this, it will unlock first the sheet then change the image and Lock it again.
    i cannot test it, i am using x64 office.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by arnelgp View Post
    all the Sheets are Locked that is why you cannot changed the "image".
    you try this, it will unlock first the sheet then change the image and Lock it again.
    i cannot test it, i am using x64 office.
    It sadly still fails here...


  4. #24
    Knowledge Base Approver VBAX Wizard
    Apr 2012
    All the sheets look like old fashioned register cards.
    If you prefer to work with Excel you should design these data as a database in only 1 sheet.
    The 'Logo problem' melts away in that case.
    It saves you a lot of time/trouble.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by snb; 09-05-2022 at 08:57 AM.

  5. #25
    i change the name to CoLogo.
    there are some "pictures" that i accidentally spoiled, please check each sheet
    and compare to the original what images i accidentally replaced.
    i tested and now it is changing.

    just post back if anything is wrong.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by arnelgp View Post
    i change the name to CoLogo.
    there are some "pictures" that i accidentally spoiled, please check each sheet
    and compare to the original what images i accidentally replaced.
    i tested and now it is changing.

    just post back if anything is wrong.
    I got your copy to work...I went into production copy, renamed all as CoLogo and the Macro worked...

    The only issues left is that it protected a "hidden sheet" called IMPORT...there may be a few other "staging" pages that are protected...

    And a once functional Button/Macro now stops with this error:

    When it goes to run this subroutine.
    Sub Export_Panel(wksName As String)    Dim strWrkSheet As String
        Dim sJobNum As String
        Dim sCustomer As String
        ' Adding String for XML Conversion (BW 20200124)
        Dim sName As String
        Dim sOut As String
        Dim sXtra As String
        Dim fh As Long
        Dim i As Integer, iu As Integer
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim k As Integer
        Dim l As Integer
        Dim intRowLast As Integer
        Dim wkSheet As Worksheet
        Dim blnVisible As Boolean
        Dim lQty As Long
        Dim lRC_Qty As Long
        Dim dLength As Double
        Dim sProfile As String
        Dim dWeight As Double
        Set colSheetNames = New Collection
        strWrkSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
        For Each wkSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Left(wkSheet.Name, 8) = "PINN PAN" Then
                colSheetNames.Add (wkSheet.Name)
            End If
        Next wkSheet
        If ConfirmWeights("Panel") = False Then Exit Sub
    '    PrepareImportPage4Panel (wksName)
    'Stop 'For Debugging Prep code! Rem when not in use.*
        fh = FreeFile
        Sheets("PINN PANEL").Select
        sJobNum = Cells(2, 5).Value
        If Val(Left$(sJobNum, 1)) = 0 Then
          sJobNum = Format$(Now(), "yy") & sJobNum
         ElseIf Left$(sJobNum, 1) > 6 Then
          sJobNum = "0" & sJobNum
        End If
        If InStr(sJobNum, ",") <> 0 Then sJobNum = Replace(sJobNum, ",", "")
    '    Open "\\BR_Panel\Panel$\" & sJobNum & "-Panel.csv" For Output As #fh <--- ORIGINAL Line
    '    Open "C:\" & sJobNum & "-Panel.csv" For Output As #fh
        Open "\\fileserver\Bradbury-Xfer\Panel\" & sJobNum & "-Panel.csv" For Output As #fh
        ' variable for XML conversion (BW 20200124)
        sName = "\\fileserver\Bradbury-Xfer\Panel\" & sJobNum & "-Panel"
        sOut = "JobNumber,CustomerName,LineID,RequestedQty,CoilPartNum,Length,Profile,Color,PieceMark,Description,BundleMark,Weight"
        Print #fh, sOut ' Header
        sCustomer = Replace(Cells(3, 5).Value, ",", "")
        sOut = sJobNum & "," & sCustomer
        l = 1
        For i = 1 To colSheetNames.Count
            If blnVisible = True Then blnVisible = False
            If Sheets(colSheetNames(i)).Visible = False Then
                Sheets(colSheetNames(i)).Visible = True
                blnVisible = True
            End If
            intRowLast = Int(Right(ActiveCell.Address, Len(ActiveCell.Address) - 3))
            For j = 12 To intRowLast
                If Val(Cells(j, 1).Value) <> 0 _
                   And InStr(UCase(Cells(j, 4).Value), "LITE") = 0 _
                   And InStr(UCase(Cells(j, 4).Value), "SKY") = 0 Then
                    lQty = Cells(j, 1).Value
                    sProfile = Mid$(Cells(j, 4).Value, 4)
                    dLength = CInches(Cells(j, 6).Value) / 12                  ' Length in feet (decimal)
                    sOut = sOut & ",Panel"                                     ' LineID
                    If sProfile = "RC" Then
                      lRC_Qty = -1 * Int(-1 * lQty * dLength / 10)             ' Quantity of 10' sheets
                      sOut = sOut & ("," & CStr(lRC_Qty))                      ' Quantity (4 RCs per sheet)
                      sOut = sOut & ",00.000X00G"                              ' CoilPartNumber (bogus for Panel)
                      sOut = sOut & ",120"                                     ' Length in inches (decimal)
                      dWeight = lRC_Qty * 28.2                                 ' 2'-6" RC weighs 7.05 pounds
                      sOut = sOut & ("," & Cells(j, 1).Value)                  ' Part quantity
                      sOut = sOut & ",00.000X00G"                              ' CoilPartNumber (bogus for Panel)
                      sOut = sOut & ("," & CInches(Cells(j, 6).Value))         ' Length in inches (decimal)
                    End If
                    sOut = sOut & ("," & Trim$(Cells(j, 4).Value))             ' Profile
                    sOut = sOut & ("," & Left$(Cells(j, 5).Value, 15))         ' Color
                    'We are having a problem with the Piece Marks and the CTC. The following code
                    'is simply to work around the issue.
                    If InStr(UCase(Cells(j, 2).Value), "XTRA") > 0 Then
                        k = InStr(UCase(Cells(j, 2).Value), "XTRA")
                        'I do not expect to see 10 or more extra parts, but if it happens we are ready.
                        Do Until k = 0
                            If Asc(Mid(UCase(Cells(j, 2).Value), k, 1)) > 47 And _
                               Asc(Mid(UCase(Cells(j, 2).Value), k, 1)) < 58 Then
                                sXtra = Mid(UCase(Cells(j, 2).Value), k, 1) & sXtra
                            End If
                            k = k - 1
                        sOut = sOut & ("," & sXtra & "Xtra")                     ' Piece mark (modified)
                        sOut = sOut & ("," & Left$(Cells(j, 2).Value, 25))       ' Piece mark
                    End If
                    sOut = sOut & ("," & Left$(Cells(j, 3).Value, 25))           ' Description
                    sOut = sOut & (",Bundle1")                                   ' Bundle mark
                    If sProfile = "RC" Then
                      sOut = sOut & ("," & Format$(dWeight, "#.0###"))           ' RC Weight (total)
                      sOut = sOut & ("," & Format$(Cells(j, 7).Value, "#.0###")) ' Weight (total)
                    End If
                    l = l + 1
                    Print #fh, sOut
                    sOut = ","
                End If
            Next j
            If blnVisible = True Then Sheets(colSheetNames(i)).Visible = False
        Next i
        If Range("K10").Value = "" Then
            With Selection
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
                .WrapText = False
                .Orientation = 0
                .AddIndent = False
                .IndentLevel = 0
                .ShrinkToFit = False
                .ReadingOrder = xlContext
                .MergeCells = False
                .Value = "Released"
            End With
            With Selection.Interior
                .ColorIndex = 4
                .Pattern = xlSolid
            End With
            With Selection
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
                .WrapText = False
                .Orientation = 0
                .AddIndent = False
                .IndentLevel = 0
                .ShrinkToFit = False
                .ReadingOrder = xlContext
                .MergeCells = False
                .Value = "Again"
            End With
            With Selection.Interior
                .ColorIndex = 50
                .Pattern = xlSolid
            End With
        End If
        Close #fh
        ' command to convert CSV to XML (BW 20200124)
        Shell """C:\ShipperXML\Panel\CsvToXml.exe"" """ & sName & ".csv"" """ & sName & ".xml""", vbNormalFocus
        ' New XML Conversion
       '  Shell "C:\Program Files\CSVtoXML\CsvToXml.exe """ & inputFile & """ """ & outputFile, vbNormalFocus
       ' orginal attempt at converting to xml
       ' Dim bSaved  As Boolean
       ' bSaved = CSV2XML("\\fileserver\Bradbury-Xfer\Panel\Test", "test.csv", "ConvertedCSV.xml")
       ' Application.ScreenUpdating = True
       ' Application.ScreenUpdating = True
       ' Set colSheetNames = Nothing
    End Sub
    Wondering of this a protection error that doesn't specifically say it is. We are SO CLOSE...

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by garak0410 View Post
    I got your copy to work...I went into production copy, renamed all as CoLogo and the Macro worked...

    The only issues left is that it protected a "hidden sheet" called IMPORT...there may be a few other "staging" pages that are protected...

    And a once functional Button/Macro now stops with this error:

    Wondering of this a protection error that doesn't specifically say it is. We are SO CLOSE...
    If I am right, should I add a statement to say if sheet is hidden or not yet created, to change to UNPROTECTED? When this sheet does it's other subroutines and such, it does create staging pages for the data and that's where I am running into the issues now. If I need to post the project back, I can.

  8. #28
    Update - I've mostly fixed it by putting in a few more unprotect commands. Going to test it in production in the morning. Will update then.

  9. #29
    Thank you for all of the help...

    I do have one more question...

    How do I set the PATH for the File Picker?

    It needs to go to \\fileserver\drafting\logos


  10. #30
    I wanted to update everyone...the logo changing is working great...and thank you for all of your help.

    Because I needed the sheet to be unprotected on several occasions, I am currently trying to track down the one unprotect I don't need...and it isn't even related to the change logo code.

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