I'm struggling to get this Find / Replace to work. It's to try and remove any spaces after a comma when monetry values are found.

Such as this £45, 000 should become thus £45,000 and
£125, 643 should become thus £125,643

Everything I have tried so far either leaves things as per the original state, or removes the preceding numbers and one of the trailing numbers.

Here's what I have:-

Private Sub FixSpacing(CCtrl As ContentControl)
    Dim oRng    As Range

    With CCtrl
        Select Case .Type
            Case wdContentControlText, wdContentControlRichText
                Set oRng = .Range
                With oRng
                    ' Remove trailing spaces
                    Do While .Characters.Last = " "
                        .Characters.Last.Text = vbNullString
                    .End = .End - 1
                    With .Find
                        .Forward = True
                        .Format = False
                        .Wrap = wdFindStop
                        .MatchWildcards = True                      
                        ' Remove single space after comma if it is preceded by a number
                        .Text = "([0-9],[^s])"
                        .Replacement.Text = ","
                        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

                    End With
                End With
            Case Else
               End Select
    End With
    Exit Sub
End Sub