Hi, Very new to excel VBA and learning as I go by using forums. I have a working VBA code that generates an email on specific cell changes.
One of the emails, I need to go to just Managers. I have an IF formula set up from a table that generates just the managers email addresses from a table of staff (in a different sheet)

How do I reference the Cell into the 'recip:' field of my email?

Sub SendColHYesMail(rw As Range)
    Const NL2 As String = vbNewLine & vbNewLine
    Dim mMailBody As String
    mMailBody = "Hi " & NL2 & _
        rw.Columns("B") & " has sent an expert to approve" & NL2 & _
        "See Row " & rw.Columns("A").Value & NL2 & _
        "Name: " & rw.Columns("D").Value & (" ") & rw.Columns("E").Value & NL2 & _
        "Platform: " & rw.Columns("F").Value & NL2 & _
        ("Handle: ") & rw.Columns("G").Value & NL2 & _
        "Thank you"
    SendAMail recip:=("Managers"), CC:="", BCC:="", _
              subject:="Your expert has been " & rw.Columns("J").Value, _
    End Sub
formula is =TEXTJOIN("; "|TRUE||IF(StaffDetails!$A$2:$A$10000="Manager"|StaffDetails!$C2:$C1000|"") ) in Cell A9 of 'Sheet 1'

Thank you