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Thread: Imported PDF used as addendum but can't add ToC entries to it

  1. #1

    Imported PDF used as addendum but can't add ToC entries to it

    fixed: this was only because I had field codes showing

    Hi, I thought I had an account here but I couldn't find it so apologies for this being post #1 on this account.

    I have a word document which has a PDF imported at the bottom as an addendum. I would like to add ToC entries for different pages in the imported pages, but when I add a TC entry anywhere within the pages of the imported PDF, it shifts everything down so all I have on the page is the TC field.

    For example, here's one of the first pages of the imported PDF pages before I try and add a TC field to it:


    And here's how it looks after I try and add a TC field:

    Last edited by kcsteele; 02-08-2023 at 12:14 PM. Reason: happens when field codes are showing

  2. #2
    I found that it was spilling onto the next page only when the field codes were made to show.

  3. #3
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