I am developing a macro to find Greek letters in a normal font and replace them by using the InsertSymbol function with the Symbol font. The macro works fine with all letters except sigma, because this letter has two forms – a regular one "σ", and a final one "ς" for use at the end of words – but the find function is not distinguishing between the two forms.

The following macro loops through a "vFindText" array that should find both forms of the letter and replace them with corresponding characters from the "vReplaceText" array using the InsertSymbol function.

Sub Macro1()
Dim vFindText As Variant
Dim vReplaceText As Variant
Dim oRng As Range
Dim i As Integer

    vFindText = Array(ChrW(963), ChrW(962))
    vReplaceText = Array(-3981, -4010)
    For i = 0 To UBound(vFindText)
        Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
        With oRng.Find
            .Text = vFindText(i)
            Do While .Execute
                    oRng.InsertSymbol Font:="Symbol", _
                                      CharacterNumber:=vReplaceText(i), _
                oRng.Collapse 0
        End With
    Next i
End Sub
If the macro is run on the attached document #1, the result should be as in the attached document #2, with the two forms of the letter converted separately, but currently it replaces them both with the same form. How can I get the macro to work as specified?

Sigma test 1.docx
Sigma test 2.docx