Hi, I need help with VBA. Please indulge me.

My buttons called crse1, crse2, crse3, crse4 and crse5 are supposed to call their respective cases in the CallHideAndRevealCells() sub. In each of the cases, I set the value of the Range and pass that range into their respective functions depending on the amount of mods it is has. I tried asking chatGPT but its not working.

My intent is for the cells to reveal themselves everytime I click the button and immediately go through the loop and hide all but the first line with an "n" in the cells.

Please help.


Sub CallHideAndRevealCells()    ' Get the name of the button that was clicked
    Dim buttonName As String
    Dim rng As Range
    buttonName = Application.Caller
    ' Call the appropriate function based on the button name
    Select Case buttonName

        Case "crse1"
            Set rng = Range("C2:C21")
            Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_1_Mod rng

        Case "crse2"
            Set rng = Range("C49:C88")
            Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_2_Mods rng

        Case "crse3"
            Set rng = Range("C194:C253")
            Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_3_Mods rng

        Case "crse4"
            Set rng = Range("C666:C745")
            Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_4_Mods rng

        Case "crse5"
            Set rng = Range("C768:C867")
            Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_5_Mods rng

    End Select
End Sub

Sub Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_1_Mod(rng As Range)

    Dim ModOne1 As Range
    Dim ModOne2 As Range
    Dim ModOneRange As Range
    Set ModOneRange = rng
    rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False

    'Loop through the cells in the module
    For Each ModOne1 In ModOneRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModOne1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModOne2 In Range(ModOne1.Offset(2, 0), ModOneRange.Cells(ModOneRange.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModOne2.Value = "n" Then ModOne2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModOne2
        End If
    Next ModOne1
End Sub

Sub Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_2_Mods(rng As Range)
    ' Declare variables to hold the different ranges we'll be working with
    Dim ModOne1 As Range
    Dim ModOne2 As Range
    Dim ModTwo1 As Range
    Dim ModTwo2 As Range
    Dim ModOneRange As Range
    Dim ModTwoRange As Range
    ' Set ModOneRange to the range passed into the sub
    Set ModOneRange = rng
    ' Set ModTwoRange to be the range directly below ModOneRange
    Set ModTwoRange = ModOneRange.Offset(1, 0)

    ' Unhide all rows in the range passed into the sub
    rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False

    ' Loop through the cells in the first mod (ModOneRange)
    For Each ModOne1 In ModOneRange.Cells
        ' If the value of the cell is "n", we need to hide the next set of rows
        If ModOne1.Value = "n" Then
            ' Loop through the cells in the range starting from the cell two rows below ModOne1
            ' and going until the end of ModOneRange (the last row in the range passed into the sub)
            For Each ModOne2 In Range(ModOne1.Offset(2, 0), ModOneRange.Cells(ModOneRange.Rows.Count, 1)).Cells
                ' If the value of the cell is "n", hide the entire row
                If ModOne2.Value = "n" Then ModOne2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModOne2
        End If
    Next ModOne1
    ' Loop through the cells in the second mod (ModTwoRange)
    For Each ModTwo1 In ModTwoRange.Cells
        ' If the value of the cell is "n", we need to hide the next set of rows
        If ModTwo1.Value = "n" Then
            ' Loop through the cells in the range starting from the cell two rows below ModTwo1
            ' and going until the last row in ModTwoRange
            For Each ModTwo2 In Range(ModTwo1.Offset(2, 0), ModTwoRange.Cells(ModTwoRange.Rows.Count, 1)).Cells
                ' If the value of the cell is "n", hide the entire row
                If ModTwo2.Value = "n" Then ModTwo2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModTwo2
        End If
    Next ModTwo1
End Sub

Sub Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_3_Mods(rng As Range)

    Dim ModOne1 As Range
    Dim ModOne2 As Range
    Dim ModTwo1 As Range
    Dim ModTwo2 As Range
    Dim ModThree1 As Range
    Dim ModThree2 As Range
    Dim ModOneRange As Range
    Dim ModTwoRange As Range
    Dim ModThreeRange As Range
    Set ModOneRange = rng
    Set ModTwoRange = ModOneRange.Offset(1, 0)
    Set ModThreeRange = ModOneRange.Offset(2, 0)

    rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False

    'Loop through the cells in the first module
    For Each ModOne1 In ModOneRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModOne1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModOne2 In Range(ModOne1.Offset(2, 0), ModOneRange.Cells.Count).Cells
                If ModOne2.Value = "n" Then ModOne2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModOne2
        End If
    Next ModOne1
    'Loop through the cells in the second module
    For Each ModTwo1 In ModTwoRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModTwo1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModTwo2 In Range(ModTwo1.Offset(2, 0), ModTwoRange.Cells.Count).Cells
                If ModTwo2.Value = "n" Then ModTwo2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModTwo2
        End If
    Next ModTwo1
    'Loop through the cells in the third module
    For Each ModThree1 In ModThreeRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModThree1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModThree2 In Range(ModThree1.Offset(2, 0), ModThreeRange.Cells.Count).Cells
                If ModThree2.Value = "n" Then ModThree2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModThree2
        End If
    Next ModThree1
End Sub

Sub Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_4_Mods(rng As Range)

    Dim ModOne1 As Range
    Dim ModOne2 As Range
    Dim ModTwo1 As Range
    Dim ModTwo2 As Range
    Dim ModThree1 As Range
    Dim ModThree2 As Range
    Dim ModFour1 As Range
    Dim ModFour2 As Range

    Dim ModOneRange As Range
    Dim ModTwoRange As Range
    Dim ModThreeRange As Range
    Dim ModFourRange As Range
    Set ModOneRange = rng
    Set ModTwoRange = ModOneRange.Offset(1, 0)
    Set ModThreeRange = ModOneRange.Offset(2, 0)
    Set ModFourRange = ModOneRange.Offset(3, 0)

    rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False

    'Loop through the cells in the first mod
    For Each ModOne1 In ModOneRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModOne1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModOne2 In Range(ModOne1.Offset(2, 0), ModOneRange.Cells(ModOne1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModOne2.Value = "n" Then ModOne2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModOne2
        End If
    Next ModOne1
    'Loop through the cells in the second mod
    For Each ModTwo1 In ModTwoRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModTwo1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModTwo2 In Range(ModTwo1.Offset(2, 0), ModTwoRange.Cells(ModTwo1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModTwo2.Value = "n" Then ModTwo2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModTwo2
        End If
    Next ModTwo1
    'Loop through the cells in the third mod
    For Each ModThree1 In ModThreeRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModThree1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModThree2 In Range(ModThree1.Offset(2, 0), ModThreeRange.Cells(ModThree1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModThree2.Value = "n" Then ModThree2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModThree2
        End If
    Next ModThree1
    'Loop through the cells in the fourth mod
    For Each ModFour1 In ModFourRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModFour1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModFour2 In Range(ModFour1.Offset(2, 0), ModFourRange.Cells(ModFour1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModFour2.Value = "n" Then ModFour2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModFour2
        End If
    Next ModFour1

End Sub

Sub Hide_And_Reveal_Courses_5_Mods(rng As Range)

    Dim ModOne1 As Range
    Dim ModOne2 As Range
    Dim ModTwo1 As Range
    Dim ModTwo2 As Range
    Dim ModThree1 As Range
    Dim ModThree2 As Range
    Dim ModFour1 As Range
    Dim ModFour2 As Range
    Dim ModFive1 As Range
    Dim ModFive2 As Range

    Dim ModOneRange As Range
    Dim ModTwoRange As Range
    Dim ModThreeRange As Range
    Dim ModFourRange As Range
    Dim ModFiveRange As Range
    Set ModOneRange = rng
    Set ModTwoRange = ModOneRange.Offset(1, 0)
    Set ModThreeRange = ModTwoRange.Offset(1, 0)
    Set ModFourRange = ModThreeRange.Offset(1, 0)
    Set ModFiveRange = ModFourRange.Offset(1, 0)

    rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False

    'Loop through the cells in the first mod
    For Each ModOne1 In ModOneRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModOne1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModOne2 In Range(ModOne1.Offset(2, 0), ModOneRange.Cells(ModOne1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModOne2.Value = "n" Then ModOne2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModOne2
        End If
    Next ModOne1
    'Loop through the cells in the second mod
    For Each ModTwo1 In ModTwoRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModTwo1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModTwo2 In Range(ModTwo1.Offset(2, 0), ModTwoRange.Cells(ModTwo1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModTwo2.Value = "n" Then ModTwo2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModTwo2
        End If
    Next ModTwo1
    'Loop through the cells in the third mod
    For Each ModThree1 In ModThreeRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModThree1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModThree2 In Range(ModThree1.Offset(2, 0), ModThreeRange.Cells(ModThree1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModThree2.Value = "n" Then ModThree2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModThree2
        End If
    Next ModThree1
    'Loop through the cells in the fourth mod
    For Each ModFour1 In ModFourRange.Cells
        'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
        If ModFour1.Value = "n" Then
            For Each ModFour2 In Range(ModFour1.Offset(2, 0), ModFourRange.Cells(ModFour1.Cells.Count)).Cells
                If ModFour2.Value = "n" Then ModFour2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
            Next ModFour2
        End If
    Next ModFour1
    'Loop through the cells in the fifth mod
    For Each ModFive1 In ModFiveRange.Cells
    'If the cell is "n", hide the next set of the course
    If ModFive1.Value = "n" Then
        For Each ModFive2 In Range(ModFive1.Offset(2, 0), ModFiveRange.Cells(ModFive1.Cells.Count)).Cells
            If ModFive2.Value = "n" Then ModFive2.EntireRow.Hidden = True
        Next ModFive2
    End If
Next ModFive1
End Sub