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Thread: Coding works for WORD but not POWERPOINT, how should i modify it?

  1. #1
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2023

    Coding works for WORD but not POWERPOINT, how should i modify it?

    I would like to insert every 6 pictures in a new slide of powerpoint with it's file name at the centre bottom of the image itself.

    The below coding works for word but not on powerpoint and i would like to do further editing.

    1) modify coding so it'll work on powerpoint as well
    2) current in word it's showing 1 image per page, can we modify to show 6 images per slide when it comes to powerpoint?
    3) the file name in word currently showing the format of the file e.g. jpg / .png, how could i skip that?
    4) the file name is showing on the bottom left in word, how can i make it centre bottom?

    Sub PicWithCaption()
    Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
    Dim xPath, xFile As Variant
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If xFileDialog.Show = -1 Then
       xPath = xFileDialog.SelectedItems.Item(1)
       If xPath <> "" Then
           xFile = Dir(xPath & "\*.*")
           Do While xFile <> ""
           If UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "PNG" Or _
               UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "TIF" Or _
               UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "JPG" Or _
               UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "GIF" Or _
               UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "BMP" Then
               With Selection
                   .InlineShapes.AddPicture xPath & "" & xFile, False, True
                   .InsertAfter vbCrLf
                   .MoveDown wdLine
                   .Text = xFile & Chr(10)
                   .MoveDown wdLine
               End With
         End If
        xFile = Dir()
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 03-17-2023 at 12:30 AM. Reason: Added code tags to supplied code

  2. #2
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2022
    The Great Land
    Note for future: post code between CODE tags to retain indentation and readability.

    1. I don't think InlineShapes is valid in PP. Use Shapes. I doubt the exact same code can be used for both Word and PP.

    2. Don't see why not. Example of adding image:
                    With .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 360, 121, 220, 110) 'photo
                        .Fill.UserPicture "image path\name"
                    End With
    3. Use string manipulation functions to truncate filename: Left(xFile, InStrRev(xFile, ".") - 1).

    4. Try: .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
    How to attach file: Reading and Posting Messages (, click Go Advanced below post edit window. To provide db: copy, remove confidential data, run compact & repair, zip w/Windows Compression.

  3. #3
    VBAX Newbie
    Mar 2023
    Thanks! i tried to modify the code just now and it works on powerpoint but still i would like to update some functions

    1) it doesn't work when the file is at .jpeg
    2) the image is now resize, how should i keep it as it's own proportion?
    3) images are now on the left of the slide, how can i keep it centred?

    Sub PicWithCaption()
        Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
        Dim xPath As String, xFile As String, xFileName As String
        Dim oSlide As Slide
        Dim oShape As Shape
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Set xFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        xFileDialog.Title = "Select a folder with pictures"
    If xFileDialog.Show = -1 Then
       xPath = xFileDialog.SelectedItems(1)
       If xPath <> "" Then
          xFile = Dir(xPath & "\*.*")
          j = 0
          Do While xFile <> ""
          If UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "PNG" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "TIF" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "JPG" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "GIF" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "BMP" Then
              xFileName = Left(xFile, Len(xFile) - 4)
              If j Mod 6 = 0 Then
                 Set oSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
              End If
              i = j Mod 3
              If j Mod 6 < 3 Then
                 Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=xPath & "" & xFile, _
                 LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
                 SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
                 Left:=100 + i * 150, _
                 Top:=100, _
                 Width:=120, _
                 Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=xPath & "" & xFile, _
                 LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
                 SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
                 Left:=100 + i * 150, _
                 Top:=250, _
                 Width:=120, _
             End If
             oShape.Name = xFileName
             Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
             Left:=100 + i * 150, _
             Top:=oShape.Top + oShape.Height + 10, _
             Width:=120, _
             oShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = xFileName
             j = j + 1
         End If
         xFile = Dir()
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Quote Originally Posted by June7 View Post
    Note for future: post code between CODE tags to retain indentation and readability.

    1. I don't think InlineShapes is valid in PP. Use Shapes. I doubt the exact same code can be used for both Word and PP.

    2. Don't see why not. Example of adding image:
                    With .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 360, 121, 220, 110) 'photo
                        .Fill.UserPicture "image path\name"
                    End With
    3. Use string manipulation functions to truncate filename: Left(xFile, InStrRev(xFile, ".") - 1).

    4. Try: .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 03-17-2023 at 12:36 AM. Reason: added code tags to supplied code

  4. #4
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2022
    The Great Land
    Please, post code between CODE tags.

    I used jpg in my test.

    I don't have answers to your questions at hand. Would have to do web search and testing. Did you do that?
    How to attach file: Reading and Posting Messages (, click Go Advanced below post edit window. To provide db: copy, remove confidential data, run compact & repair, zip w/Windows Compression.

  5. #5
    VBAX Master
    Feb 2007
    This is top of head code but might give you a pointer

    Sub PicWithCaption()
        Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
        Dim xPath As String, xFile As String, xFileName As String
        Dim oSlide As Slide
        Dim oShape As Shape
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Set xFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        xFileDialog.Title = "Select a folder with pictures"
    If xFileDialog.Show = -1 Then
       xPath = xFileDialog.SelectedItems(1)
       If xPath <> "" Then
          xFile = Dir(xPath & "\*.*")
          j = 0
          Do While xFile <> ""
          If UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "PNG" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "TIF" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "JPG" Or _
                UCase(Right(xFile, 4)) = "JPEG" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "GIF" Or _
              UCase(Right(xFile, 3)) = "BMP" Then
              xFileName = Left(xFile, Len(xFile) - 4)
              If j Mod 6 = 0 Then
                 Set oSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
                 ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide oSlide.SlideIndex
              End If
              i = j Mod 3
            If j Mod 6 < 3 Then
                 Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=xPath & "\" & xFile, _
                 LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
                 SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
                 Left:=100 + i * 150, _
               oShape.LockAspectRatio = msoCTrue
                 oShape.Width = 120
                  oShape.Select False
                 Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
             Left:=100 + i * 150, _
             Top:=oShape.Top + oShape.Height + 10, _
             Width:=120, _
             oShape.Select False
             oShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = xFileName
             oShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
                 Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=xPath & "\" & xFile, _
                 LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _
                 SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _
                 Left:=100 + i * 150, _
                  oShape.LockAspectRatio = msoCTrue
                 oShape.Width = 120
                  oShape.Select False
                 Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
             Left:=100 + i * 150, _
             Top:=oShape.Top + oShape.Height + 10, _
             Width:=120, _
             oShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = xFileName
             oShape.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
              oShape.Select False
             End If
              j = j + 1
             If j Mod 6 = 0 And j <> 0 Then
             With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Group
             .Left = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth / 2 - .Width / 2
             End With
             End If
         End If
         xFile = Dir()
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    John Wilson
    Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
    Amazing Free PowerPoint Tutorials

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