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Thread: Automatic sensitivity assignment in Excel VBA - Blocks automatic processes in VBA

  1. #1

    Automatic sensitivity assignment in Excel VBA - Blocks automatic processes in VBA

    Option Explicit
    Sub ApproxWS_Size()
    Dim wks As Worksheet
        Dim c As Range
        Dim sFullFile As String
        Dim sReport As String
        Dim sWBName As String
    Call UnhideAllsheets
    sReport = "Size Report"
        sWBName = "Erase Me.xls"
        sFullFile = ActiveWorkbook.Path & _
          Application.PathSeparator & sWBName
    ' Add new worksheet to record sizes
        On Error Resume Next
    Set wks = Worksheets(sReport)
        If wks Is Nothing Then
            With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add(Before:=Worksheets(1))
                .Name = sReport
                .Range("A1").Value = "Worksheet Name"
                .Range("B1").Value = "Approximate Size"
            End With
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(sReport)
            .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents
            Set c = .Range("A2")
        End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        ' Loop through worksheets
        For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If wks.Name <> sReport Then
                Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Call BeforeSave
                ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFullFile
                ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
                Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                c.Offset(0, 0).Value = wks.Name
                c.Offset(0, 1).Value = FileLen(sFullFile)
                Set c = c.Offset(1, 0)
                Kill sFullFile
            End If
        Next wks
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Set myLabelInfo = ActiveWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
            myLabelInfo.LabelName = "Confidential - Internal"
            myLabelInfo.IsEnabled = True
            myLabelInfo.LabelId = "24fb0e8b-8044-4bd6-9e86-77f9d21856dc"
            myLabelInfo.ActionId = "{5cc46055-305d-4bc1-8f5f-5edf82231378}"
            myLabelInfo.AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED
    ActiveWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, ActiveWorkbook
    End Sub
    Sub BeforeSave()
    Application.Run "Workbook_BeforeSave", False, False
    End Sub
    In the "before Save function" I get an error on last rule : ActiveWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, ActiveWorkbook
    >> with folowing error from VBA: Method setlabel of object ' Isensitivity' Failed.
    Few monts ago our company has set sensitivity labels as a requirement. I run VBA code where several files need to be created automatically. All automatic jobs come to a halt as when everytime a file is created, the sensitivity is required causing automatic processes to come to a block.

    Can anyone help on finding a solution ?

    Thank You


  2. #2
    VBAX Contributor rollis13's Avatar
    Jun 2013
    Perhaps, as far as I know SensitivityLabel is a feature of Office 365 and since you don't mention in your profile which version you're using, I'm flipping the coin.

  3. #3
    Version 2303


  4. #4
    VBAX Contributor rollis13's Avatar
    Jun 2013
    My chances were only 50%, I'm sorry but I'm of no other help.

  5. #5
    no worries, will look further

  6. #6
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Does this give you any hints?

    Public WithEvents sensitivityLabel As SensitivityLabel
    Private Sub sensitivityLabel_LabelChanged(ByVal OldLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo, ByVal NewLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo, ByVal HResult As Long, ByVal Context As Object)
     MsgBox "Event raised: " + NewLabelInfo.LabelId
    End Sub
    Sub SetLabelInfo()
    Set sensitivityLabel = ActiveDocument.SensitivityLabel
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Set myLabelInfo = sensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
    With myLabelInfo
    .AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED
     .Justification = "Some justification needed only if downgrading label."
     .LabelId = "9203368f-916c-4d59-8292-9f1c6a1e8f39"
     .LabelName = "MyLabelName"
     .SiteId = "6c15903a-880e-4e17-818a-6cb4f7935615"
     End With
     sensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, myLabelInfo
    End Sub
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