Hello everyone,
I'm currently working on a smaller project in VBA. To set up an "Edit" function I need to pass the name of a selected object. So far the output works great for the name of cells. But when I select my (grouped) shape there is no output. Although the name of the object is displayed in the small window at the top left. How could I solve this problem?
To explain: The application is a project management tool. Operations planning takes place on a kind of Kanban chart. A form (grouped) is generated for each project and named with a unique continuous ID. If I now click on one of the Kanban cards I have to be able to pass the name of the object in order to set up an "edit" function. So that the form that opens knows which line it should pull its data from and where it should then write the changes. Right now it only outputs a "no object selected" message if i click a merged cell and the "Selected Object Name: " & selectedObjectName when I click on a cell. however not if i click on the kanban card.
Here is the code. This will then be triggered later in the sheet using the function below when the selection is changed:
Sub GetSelectedObjectName()
Dim selectedObjectName As String
Dim obj As Object
' Check if something is selected
If Not Selection Is Nothing Then
If Selection.Count = 1 Then
' If a single object is selected, determine its type
Set obj = Selection
If TypeOf obj Is Range Then
' If it's a cell or range
selectedObjectName = obj.Address
ElseIf TypeOf obj Is shape Then
' If it's an individual shape
selectedObjectName = obj.Name
ElseIf TypeOf obj Is ChartObject Then
' If it's a chart
selectedObjectName = obj.Name
End If
ElseIf Selection.Count > 1 Then
' Check if a grouped shape is selected
If TypeName(Selection(1)) = "GroupObject" Then
' If it's a grouped shape
selectedObjectName = "Grouped Shape"
End If
End If
End If
' Display the name in a message box
If selectedObjectName <> "" Then
MsgBox "Selected Object Name: " & selectedObjectName
MsgBox "No object selected."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Call GetSelectedObjectName
End Sub