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Thread: oplaan van aangepaste data terug in de tabel

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  1. #1

    oplaan van aangepaste data terug in de tabel

    Beste forum gebruikers ik heb een probleem met een calculatie file
    ik heb een tabblad Artikel_db met een tabel voor mijn artikelen.
    Via een tabblad artikelen invoeren kan ik artikelen toevoegen aan het tabel vanhet tabblad artikel_DB.
    Daarnaast heb ik een tabblad artikel edit voor artikelen te kunnen editen hierbij haal ik de data uit de tabel van de artikel_DB terug om te editen en via een knop save weer terug te schrijven in de tabel (ook hier zitten foute in maar werkt meestal).
    Dan heb ik een tabblad voor recepten in te voeren daar kan ik
    recepten invoeren met artikelen vanuit de artDB en daar bereken hij van alles mee dit werkt goed.
    dit slaat hij via een knop save op in een tabel op het tabblad recept_DB dit werkt ook prima
    maar nu moet een recept ook aangepast kunnen worden daar heb ik een tabblad voor aangemaakt recept edit en het inladen van het recept werkt prima het aanpassen ook maar als ik het wil saven dus weer terug schrijven naar de tabel in recept db dan wil hij dit niet doen hij loopt de select velden netjes na maar schrijft niets weg de oude waarde worden weer terug gehaald

    ik loop hierop vast voor ik weer verder kan gaan

    heeft iemand hier een oplossing of antwoord op
    het gaat dus om het stuk code in vb
    Sub Edit_Recept_Save()  'Een gewijzigt recept opslaan en
    Dim SelRow As Long
    If Blad8.ComboBox1.Value = Empty Then 'controleer of er een recept geselecteerd is
           MsgBox "Selecteer een Recept"
            Exit Sub
    With Blad3
        Set RowNr = .Range("A4:A2000").Find(What:=Blad8.Range("G3").Value, LookIn:=xlValues) 'rij nr opzoeken
    End With
    SelRow = RowNr.Row 'rij nr setting
    With Blad3
    Blad8.Range("C9", "G9").Select
    Blad3.Range("B" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("C9") 'Recept naam.
    Blad3.Range("C" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("G9") 'Artikelnr.
    Blad8.Range("J9", "C11").Select
    Blad3.Range("D" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("J9") 'Volume
    Blad3.Range("E" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("C11") 'Aantal stuks uit recept
    Blad8.Range("A13", "B13").Select
    Blad3.Range("F" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A13").Value 'Ingrediënt 1 Naam
    Blad3.Range("G" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B13").Value 'Ingrediënt 1 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A14", "B14").Select
    Blad3.Range("H" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A14").Value 'Ingrediënt 2 Naam
    Blad3.Range("I" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B14").Value 'Ingrediënt 2 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A15", "B15").Select
    Blad3.Range("J" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A15").Value 'Ingrediënt 3 Naam
    Blad3.Range("K" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B15").Value 'Ingrediënt 3 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A16", "B16").Select
    Blad3.Range("L" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A16").Value 'Ingrediënt 4 Naam
    Blad3.Range("M" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B16").Value 'Ingrediënt 4 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A17", "B17").Select
    Blad3.Range("N" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A17").Value 'Ingrediënt 5 Naam
    Blad3.Range("O" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B17").Value 'Ingrediënt 5 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A18", "B18").Select
    Blad3.Range("P" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A18").Value 'Ingrediënt 6 Naam
    Blad3.Range("Q" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B18").Value 'Ingrediënt 6 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A19", "B19").Select
    Blad3.Range("R" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A19").Value 'Ingrediënt 7 Naam
    Blad3.Range("S" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B19").Value 'Ingrediënt 7 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A20", "B20").Select
    Blad3.Range("T" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A20").Value 'Ingrediënt 8 Naam
    Blad3.Range("U" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B20").Value  'Ingrediënt 8 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A21", "B21").Select
    Blad3.Range("V" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A21").Value 'Ingrediënt 9 Naam
    Blad3.Range("W" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B21").Value 'Ingrediënt 9 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A22", "B22").Select
    Blad3.Range("X" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A22").Value 'Ingrediënt 10 Naam
    Blad3.Range("Y" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B22").Value  'Ingrediënt 10 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A23", "B23").Select
    Blad3.Range("Z" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A23").Value 'Ingrediënt 11 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AA" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B23").Value 'Ingrediënt 11 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A24", "B24").Select
    Blad3.Range("AB" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A24").Value 'Ingrediënt 12 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AC" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B24").Value 'Ingrediënt 12 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A25", "B25").Select
    Blad3.Range("AD" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A25").Value 'Ingrediënt 13 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AE" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B25").Value 'Ingrediënt 13 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A26", "B26").Select
    Blad3.Range("AF" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A26").Value 'Ingrediënt 14 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AG" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B26").Value 'Ingrediënt 14 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A27", "B27").Select
    Blad3.Range("AH" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A27").Value 'Ingrediënt 15 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AI" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B27").Value 'Ingrediënt 15 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A28", "B28").Select
    Blad3.Range("AJ" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A28").Value 'Ingrediënt 16 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AK" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B28").Value 'Ingrediënt 16 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A29", "B29").Select
    Blad3.Range("AL" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A29").Value 'Ingrediënt 17 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AM" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B29").Value 'Ingrediënt 17 Hoeveelheid
    Blad8.Range("A30", "B30").Select
    Blad3.Range("AN" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("A30").Value 'Ingrediënt 18 Naam
    Blad3.Range("AO" & SelRow).Value = Blad8.Range("B30").Value 'Ingrediënt 18 Hoeveelheid
    End With
    End If
     End Sub

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Welcome to VBAX CyberTazz. have you considered using Access instead of Excel for this project or at the very least create an interface (form) to act between your existing data table and the User?
    Remember To Do the Following....
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  3. #3
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2022
    The Great Land
    This is an English forum. Best to post as English in appropriate topic subforum. Use translation tool.

    Are you using Excel as a database? Why? There are better tools for that.
    Last edited by June7; 11-21-2023 at 01:32 AM.
    How to attach file: Reading and Posting Messages (, click Go Advanced below post edit window. To provide db: copy, remove confidential data, run compact & repair, zip w/Windows Compression.

  4. #4
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    @June7. CyberTazz posted in the non English section so please don't critique for having posted.

    Anyway this is the translation.

    Saving modified data back in the table

    Dear forum users I have a problem with a calculation file

    I have an Article_db tab with a table for my articles.

    I can add articles to the table of the article_DB tab via an article tab.

    In addition, I have a tab article edit for articles to be able to edit. I retrieve the data from the table of the article_DB to edit and write back in the table via a save button (there are also errors in this but usually works).

    Then I have a tab for recipes to enter there I can enter recipes with articles from the artDB and he calculates everything with that this works well.

    He saves this via a save button in a table on the recipe_DB tab this also works fine

    But now a recipe must also be able to be adjusted there I have a tab for created recipe edit and loading the recipe works fine adjusting it too but if I want to save it so write back to the table in recipe db then he doesn't want to do this he runs the select fields neatly but writes nothing away the old value are brought back

    I get stuck on this before I can continue

    Does anyone have a solution or answer to this

    So it's about the piece of code in vb
    Sub Edit_Recept_Save() 'Save a edited recipe and
     Dim SelRow As Long
     If Sheet8. ComboBox1. Value = Empty Then 'check if a recipe is selected
         MsgBox "Select a Recipe"
         Exit Sub
         With Sheet3
             Set RowNr = . Range("A4:A2000"). Find(What:=Sheet8. Range("G3"). Value, LookIn:=xlValues) 'row number look up
         End With
         SelRow = RowNr.Row 'rij nr setting
         With Sheet3
             Sheet8. Range("C9", "G9"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("B" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("C9") 'Recipe name.
             Sheet3. Range("C" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("G9") 'Article No.
             Sheet8. Range("J9", "C11"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("D" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("J9") 'Volume
             Sheet3. Range("E" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("C11") 'Number of pieces from recipe
             Sheet8. Range("A13", "B13"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("F" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A13"). Value 'Ingredint 1 Name
             Sheet3. Range("G" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B13"). Value 'Ingredindient 1 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A14", "B14"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("H" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A14"). Value 'Ingredint 2 Name
             Sheet3. Range("I" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B14"). Value 'Ingredint 2 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A15", "B15"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("J" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A15"). Value 'Ingredint 3 Name
             Sheet3. Range("K" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B15"). Value 'Ingredint 3 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A16", "B16"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("L" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A16"). Value 'Ingredint 4 Name
             Sheet3. Range("M" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B16"). Value 'Ingredint 4 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A17", "B17"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("N" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A17"). Value 'Ingredint 5 Name
             Sheet3. Range("O" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B17"). Value 'Ingredint 5 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A18", "B18"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("P" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A18"). Value 'Ingredint 6 Name
             Sheet3. Range("Q" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B18"). Value 'Ingredint 6 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A19", "B19"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("R" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A19"). Value 'Ingredint 7 Name
             Sheet3. Range("S" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B19"). Value 'Ingredint 7 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A20", "B20"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("T" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A20"). Value 'Ingredint 8 Name
             Sheet3. Range("U" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B20"). Value 'Ingredint 8 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A21", "B21"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("V" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A21"). Value 'Ingredint 9 Name
             Sheet3. Range("W" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B21"). Value 'Ingredint 9 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A22", "B22"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("X" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A22"). Value 'Ingredint 10 Name
             Sheet3. Range("Y" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B22"). Value 'Ingredint 10 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A23", "B23"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("Z" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A23"). Value 'Ingredint 11 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AA" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B23"). Value 'Ingredint 11 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A24", "B24"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AB" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A24"). Value 'Ingredint 12 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AC" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B24"). Value 'Ingredint 12 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A25", "B25"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AD" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A25"). Value 'Ingredint 13 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AE" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B25"). Value 'Ingredint 13 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A26", "B26"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AF" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A26"). Value 'Ingredint 14 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AG" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B26"). Value 'Ingredint 14 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A27", "B27"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AH" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A27"). Value 'Ingredint 15 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AI" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B27"). Value 'Ingredint 15 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A28", "B28"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AJ" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A28"). Value 'Ingredint 16 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AK" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B28"). Value 'Ingrediant 16 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A29", "B29"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AL" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A29"). Value 'Ingredint 17 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AM" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B29"). Value 'Ingredint 17 Quantity
             Sheet8. Range("A30", "B30"). Select
             Sheet3. Range("AN" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("A30"). Value 'Ingredint 18 Name
             Sheet3. Range("AO" & SelRow). Value = Sheet8. Range("B30"). Value 'Ingredint 18 Quantity
             End With
    End If
    End Sub
    Remember To Do the Following....
    Use [Code].... [/Code] tags when posting code to the thread.
    Mark your thread as Solved if satisfied by using the Thread Tools options.
    If posting the same issue to another forum please show the link

  5. #5
    VBAX Mentor
    Nov 2022
    The Great Land
    Just advising how to maximize attention to thread.
    How to attach file: Reading and Posting Messages (, click Go Advanced below post edit window. To provide db: copy, remove confidential data, run compact & repair, zip w/Windows Compression.

  6. #6
    thanks for the translation,
    When asked about a solution in Excel, we do not have access at work.
    Since I have some knowledge of Excel, I chose this option
    In theory this should be possible, but my knowledge of VBA is self-learned and not yet an expert
    that's why I sought help in this way

  7. #7
    I would like to let you know that my problem has already been solved.
    The problem was caused by the "ComboBox1_Change" event procedure being fired after changing the value in column B of the "Blad3" sheet.

  8. #8
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Glad to know you were able to find a solution, and thank you for marking the thread as Solved.
    Remember To Do the Following....
    Use [Code].... [/Code] tags when posting code to the thread.
    Mark your thread as Solved if satisfied by using the Thread Tools options.
    If posting the same issue to another forum please show the link

  9. #9
    Dit doet volgens mij hetzelfde als de 62 lijnen in Post #1. Proberen als je wilt. In ieder geval korter om de bocht.
    I don't know if you want to try this on a copy of your original but It should do the same as the 62 lines of code in Post #1.

    Sub Try_So()
    Dim sh3 As Worksheet, sh8 As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Set sh3 = Worksheets("Sheet3")
    Set sh8 = Worksheets("Sheet8")
    j = 13
        With sh3.Cells(SelRow, 2)
            .Value = sh8.Cells(9, 3).Value
            .Offset(, 1).Value = sh8.Cells(9, 7).Value
            .Offset(, 2).Value = sh8.Cells(9, 12).Value
            .Offset(, 3).Value = sh8.Cells(11, 3).Value
        End With
        For i = 6 To 41 Step 2
            sh3.Cells(SelRow, i).Value = sh8.Cells(j, 1).Value
            sh3.Cells(SelRow, i + 1).Value = sh8.Cells(j, 2).Value
            j = j + 1
        Next i
    End Sub

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