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Thread: Powerpoint Scoreboard VBA Question

  1. #1

    Powerpoint Scoreboard VBA Question

    I'm working on a very simple VBA scoreboard. It consists of a set command buttons with different plus and minus values and a clear button that change the total in a text box. With that said, I will have six teams which means creating six text boxes. As it stands now, I will have to create identical sets of plus and minus buttons for each of the six text boxes. How can I program the code to use only one set of plus and minus buttons and use a command button that will allow me to switch data between any of the six text boxes as needed? Thanks much.

  2. #2
    Moderator VBAX Wizard Aussiebear's Avatar
    Dec 2005
    Remember To Do the Following....
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gbonney51 View Post
    I'm working on a very simple VBA scoreboard. It consists of a set command buttons with different plus and minus values and a clear button that change the total in a text box. With that said, I will have six teams which means creating six text boxes. As it stands now, I will have to create identical sets of plus and minus buttons for each of the six text boxes. How can I program the code to use only one set of plus and minus buttons and use a command button that will allow me to switch data between any of the six text boxes as needed? Thanks much.
    Certainly, you can create a more dynamic solution by using a single set of plus and minus buttons and a mechanism to switch between different text boxes. Here's a simplified example to get you started:

    Assuming you have three buttons (+, - and Clear) for each team, and six teams (TextBox1 to TextBox6):

    Create a Module

    Open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor in Excel.
    Insert a new Module: Insert -> Module.
    Write Code in the Module:

    Copy code
    ' This code assumes you have three buttons named btnPlus, btnMinus, and btnClear.
    ' Also, you have six text boxes named TextBox1, TextBox2, ..., TextBox6.
    Dim activeTextBox As Object
    ' This subroutine handles button clicks for plus, minus, and clear.
    Sub ButtonClick(buttonName As String)
        If Not activeTextBox Is Nothing Then
            ' Call the appropriate subroutine based on the button clicked.
            Select Case buttonName
                Case "btnPlus"
                    AddValueToTextBox activeTextBox, 1
                Case "btnMinus"
                    AddValueToTextBox activeTextBox, -1
                Case "btnClear"
                    ClearTextBox activeTextBox
            End Select
            MsgBox "Please select a text box first.", vbExclamation
        End If
    End Sub
    ' This subroutine sets the activeTextBox variable based on the clicked text box.
    Sub TextBoxClick(textBoxName As String)
        Set activeTextBox = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes(textBoxName).OLEFormat.Object
    End Sub
    ' This subroutine adds a value to the specified text box.
    Sub AddValueToTextBox(textBox As Object, value As Integer)
        textBox.Value = textBox.Value + value
    End Sub
    ' This subroutine clears the specified text box.
    Sub ClearTextBox(textBox As Object)
        textBox.Value = 0
    End Sub
    Assign Macros to Buttons and Text Boxes:

    Right-click on each button, go to Assign Macro, and assign the ButtonClick macro with the appropriate parameter (btnPlus, btnMinus, or btnClear).
    Right-click on each text box, go to Assign Macro, and assign the TextBoxClick macro with the appropriate parameter (TextBox1, TextBox2, ..., TextBox6).
    Now, when you click a text box, it becomes the active text box, and any subsequent button clicks will affect that text box. The ButtonClick subroutine determines which button was clicked and acts accordingly.
    Last edited by Aussiebear; 01-23-2024 at 12:48 PM. Reason: Removed the spam link

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