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Thread: Create BAT file that opens CMD then directory and runs program from that directory

  1. #1

    Create BAT file that opens CMD then directory and runs program from that directory

    Hi guys
    Do you have any idea how to make a bat file that does the following ?

    1. Opens CMD
    2. Once in CMD opens the directory: C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE
    3. Once in that directory runs the command: pdftk.exe *.pdf cat output combined.pdf
    4. Exits CMD

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    VBAX Expert Logit's Avatar
    Sep 2016
    Untested :

    Sub CreateBatchFile()    Dim filePath As String
        Dim fileNumber As Integer
        Dim batchCommands As String
        filePath = "C:\PathToYourFolder\CombinePDFs.bat"
        fileNumber = FreeFile
        batchCommands = "cd /d C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE" & vbCrLf & _
                        "pdftk.exe *.pdf cat output combined.pdf" & vbCrLf & _
        Open filePath For Output As #fileNumber
        Print #fileNumber, batchCommands
        Close #fileNumber
        Shell filePath, vbNormalFocus
    End Sub

  3. #3
    copy CombinePDF function to a Module:
    '! arnelgp
    '! do not Alter this subroutine!
    Public Sub CombinePDF(ByVal sPath As String, sOutFile As String)
    ' sPath is the path (folder) where your all pdfs exists
    ' sOutfile is the name of your output pdf (example, "Output.pdf")
        Dim cmd As String
        sPath = Replace$(sPath & "\", "\\", "\")
        If Len(Dir$(sPath & sOutFile)) Then Kill sPath & sOutFile
        cmd = "pdftk.exe " & sPath & "*.pdf cat output " & sPath & sOutFile
        Shell cmd, vbHide
    End Sub
    ' this is the test sub
    ' to test CombinePDF() function
    Private Sub t()
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE"
        'call the combine pdf routine
        Call CombinePDF(sPath, "Output.pdf")
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Hi ArnelGP and thanks a lot
    Your code works for me with a small issue
    after i run it once i have to change the directory




    and then again to


    and it goes on and on

    I mention I use Microsoft Office 2007

    Also when i create a button in the ribbon to run the macro it doesnt do anthing but when i run it with f5 it works great as long as i change the folder path everytime.

    You have any idea about how to fix this?
    Thanks a lot again
    God Bless!

  5. #5
    you use the Public sub on your ribbon button:
    Sub OnActionButton(control As IRibbonControl)
    ' Callbackname in XML File "onAction"
    ' Callback for event button click
    ' Callback fuer Button Click
        Select Case control.ID
        Case "yourButtonNameHere"
            CombinePDF  "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE", "Output.pdf"
        Case Else
        End Select
    End Sub

  6. #6
    Thanks again ArnelGP for taking your time with me

    I modified the code and i dont have to switch from
    it works fine everytime i press run f5 but when i make button on ribbon still does nothing

    '! arnelgp
    '! do not Alter this subroutine!
    Public Sub CombinePDF(ByVal sPath As String, sOutFile As String)
    ' sPath is the path (folder) where your all pdfs exists
    ' sOutfile is the name of your output pdf (example, "Output.pdf")
        Dim cmd As String
        sPath = Replace$(sPath & "\", "\\", "\")
        If Len(Dir$(sPath & sOutFile)) Then Kill sPath & sOutFile
        cmd = "pdftk.exe " & sPath & "*.pdf cat output " & sPath & sOutFile
        Shell cmd, vbHide
    End Sub
    ' this is the test sub
    ' to test CombinePDF() function
    Private Sub t()
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE"
        'call the combine pdf routine
        Call CombinePDF(sPath, "Output.pdf")
    End Sub
    Sub ARNEL()
    End Sub
    Sub OnActionButton(control As IRibbonControl)
    ' Callbackname in XML File "onAction"
    ' Callback for event button click
    ' Callback fuer Button Click
        Select Case control.ID
        Case "yourButtonNameHere"
            CombinePDF "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE", "Output.pdf"
        Case Else
        End Select
    End Sub

  7. #7
    do you have the Correct ID for your button?
    what you can do is use Debug.Print to show what button name is being pressed:

    Sub OnActionButton(control As IRibbonControl)
    debug.print control.ID
    'rest of code

    on immediate window you will see which button was pressed.

  8. #8
    I still need to change path every time and open the macro and press F5

    2024-02-16 15_13_13-Microsoft Excel - TM.jpg

    2024-02-16 15_12_52-.jpg

  9. #9
    change your macro to:
    '! arnelgp
    '! do not Alter this subroutine!
    Sub ActualCombine(ByVal sPath As String, sOutFile As String)
    ' sPath is the path (folder) where your all pdfs exists
    ' sOutfile is the name of your output pdf (example, "Output.pdf")
        Dim cmd As String
        sPath = Replace$(sPath & "\", "\\", "\")
        If Len(Dir$(sPath & sOutFile)) Then Kill sPath & sOutFile
        cmd = "pdftk.exe " & sPath & "*.pdf cat output " & sPath & sOutFile
        Shell cmd, vbHide
    End Sub
    ' this is the test sub
    ' to test CombinePDF() function
    Public Sub CombinePDF()
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE"
        'call the combine pdf routine
        Call ActualCombine(sPath, "Output.pdf")
        MsgBox "Pdfs combined to Output.pdf"
    End Sub
    now use CombinePDF to your customized ribbon.

  10. #10
    Thank you very much!! It works.

    Is there a way to delete the initial pdf files ?

  11. #11
    it is already deleting the old one, see the code:

    If Len(Dir$(sPath & sOutFile)) Then Kill sPath & sOutFile

  12. #12
    Sorry, its not deleting the old ones.
    The first code you gave me combines all the jpg files into a single pdf file named outpu.pdf
    This code then combines all the pdf files including outpu.pdf into a single final pdf file named output.pdf
    Anyway this is great and I thank you so much!!!
    2024-02-17 16_35_47-DOSARE.jpg

  13. #13
    change the subs to this, it will combine then delete the initial pdfs.
    Sub ActualCombine(ByVal sPath As String, sOutFile As String)
    ' sPath is the path (folder) where your all pdfs exists
    ' sOutfile is the name of your output pdf (example, "Output.pdf")
        Dim sFile As String
        Dim cmd As String
        Dim dict As Object
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
        Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        sPath = Replace$(sPath & "\", "\\", "\")
        'put all the .pdfs in the dict object
        sFile = Dir$(sPath & "*.pdf")
        While Len(sFile) <> 0
            dict(sFile) = 1
            sFile = Dir$
        j = -1
        'check if there is any pdf
        If dict.Count <> 0 Then
            For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1
                'find Output.pdf
                'delete it only if there are other pdfs,
                'otherwise, leave it
                If dict.keys()(i) = sOutFile And dict.Count > 1 Then
                    Kill sPath & sOutFile
                    j = i
                End If
        End If
        ' if we delete Output.pdf, remove it from the
        ' pdf list
        If j > -1 Then
            dict.Remove (dict.keys()(j))
        End If
        ' recheck it again
        If dict.Count = 1 And dict.keys()(0) = sOutFile Then
            cmd = "pdftk.exe " & sPath & "*.pdf cat output " & sPath & sOutFile
            Shell cmd, vbHide
            'now delete all pdfs on the list
            For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1
                Kill sPath & dict.keys()(i)
        End If
        Set dict = Nothing
    End Sub
    ' this is the test sub
    ' to test CombinePDF() function
    Public Sub CombinePDF()
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE"
        'call the combine pdf routine
        Call ActualCombine(sPath, "Output.pdf")
        MsgBox "Pdfs combined to Output.pdf"
    End Sub

  14. #14
    Thanks again ArnelGP
    It deletes all the pdf files including the output.pdf....

  15. #15
    ok no problem, goodluck.
    Public Function ActualCombine(ByVal sPath As String, sOutFile As String) As Integer
    ' sPath is the path (folder) where your all pdfs exists
    ' sOutfile is the name of your output pdf (example, "Output.pdf")
        Dim sFile As String
        Dim cmd As String
        Dim dict As Object
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
        Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        sPath = Replace$(sPath & "\", "\\", "\")
        'put all the .pdfs in the dict object
        sFile = Dir$(sPath & "*.pdf")
        While Len(sFile) <> 0
            dict(sFile) = 1
            sFile = Dir$
        j = -1
        'check if there is any pdf
        If dict.Count <> 0 Then
            For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1
                'find Output.pdf
                'delete it only if there are other pdfs,
                'otherwise, leave it
                If dict.keys()(i) = sOutFile And dict.Count > 1 Then
                    Kill sPath & sOutFile
                    j = i
                End If
        End If
        ' if we delete Output.pdf, remove it from the
        ' pdf list
        If j > -1 Then
            dict.Remove (dict.keys()(j))
        End If
        ' recheck it again
        If (dict.Count = 0) Then
        ElseIf (dict.Count = 1 And dict.keys()(0) = sOutFile) Then
            cmd = "pdftk.exe " & sPath & "*.pdf cat output " & sPath & sOutFile
            Shell cmd, vbHide
            'now delete all pdfs on the list
            For i = 0 To dict.Count - 1
                Kill sPath & dict.keys()(i)
            ActualCombine = dict.Count
         End If
        Set dict = Nothing
    End Function
    ' this is the test sub
    ' to test CombinePDF() function
    Public Sub CombinePDF()
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE"
        'sPath = Environ$("userprofile") & "\documents\"
        'call the combine pdf routine
        If ActualCombine(sPath, "Output.pdf") <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "Pdfs combined to Output.pdf"
            MsgBox "No new pdf have been combined"
        End If
    End Sub

  16. #16
    Ty ArnelGP

    i got it

    i modified count from -1 to -2
    and it works now

    Public Function ActualCombine(ByVal sPath As String, sOutFile As String) As Integer'
    ' sPath is the path (folder) where your all pdfs exists
    ' sOutfile is the name of your output pdf (example, "Output.pdf")
        Dim sFile As String
        Dim cmd As String
        Dim dict As Object
        Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
        Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
        sPath = Replace$(sPath & "\", "\\", "\")
        'put all the .pdfs in the dict object
        sFile = Dir$(sPath & "*.pdf")
        MsgBox sFile
        While Len(sFile) <> 0
            dict(sFile) = 1
            sFile = Dir$
        j = -1
        'check if there is any pdf
        If dict.Count <> 0 Then
            For i = 0 To dict.Count - 2
                'find Output.pdf
                'delete it only if there are other pdfs,
                'otherwise, leave it
                If dict.keys()(i) = sOutFile And dict.Count > 1 Then
                    Kill sPath & sOutFile
                    j = i
                End If
        End If
        ' if we delete Output.pdf, remove it from the
        ' pdf list
        If j > -1 Then
            dict.Remove (dict.keys()(j))
        End If
        ' recheck it again
        If (dict.Count = 0) Then
        ElseIf (dict.Count = 1 And dict.keys()(0) = sOutFile) Then
            cmd = "pdftk.exe " & sPath & "*.pdf cat output " & sPath & sOutFile
            Shell cmd, vbHide
            'now delete all pdfs on the list
            For i = 0 To dict.Count - 2
                Kill sPath & dict.keys()(i)
            ActualCombine = dict.Count
         End If
        Set dict = Nothing
    End Function
    ' this is the test sub
    ' to test CombinePDF() function
    Public Sub CombinePDF()
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = "C:\MIHAI\DOC\ASIG\DOSARE\"
        'sPath = Environ$("userprofile") & "\documents\"
        'call the combine pdf routine
        If ActualCombine(sPath, "Output.pdf") <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "Pdfs combined to Output.pdf"
            MsgBox "No new pdf have been combined"
        End If
    End Sub

  17. #17
    Hi Arnel,

    I had to move my macros on a computer at work that uses Windows 7 and Excel 2007

    When i use your macro to convert more pdfs into 1 i get the error:
    Run time error 53
    File not found

    2024-03-12 13_27_25-AnyDesk.jpg

    Any idea what am I doing wrong?
    Thanks a lot!

  18. #18
    google what is runtime error 53, that is the hint and you will solved this if you know what is the hint.

  19. #19
    Thanks Arnel
    Searched and it seems i installed the wrong version of ImageMagick and the installation path was not the same.
    It works now.

    God Bless!

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